Can you post a link to the Truncate/Append python script? Is it on GitHub or? Thanks...
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02:34 PM
Nice catch! I was having the same issue, {address} was not showing in the title of the edit form. Adding it to the form and then making it read only and not visible left it just on the title line, where I wanted it. Thanks!
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05:05 PM
Jonah, you're missing the point. Of course you still need to verify the service name doesn't exist before publishing. The same applies to many Analyze functions. The point to Analyze is to allow the analyst to catch and fix issues before we try to publish.
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12:54 PM
Thanks Nathan I actually had just done the same thing and finally Wing was using the latest versions of various functions. I also set the Python Path. I had tried this first thinking it would automatically use the correct python version but setting the command line like you did was the trick to it all working. I have a cloned environment due to pulling the Data Loading Tools (dlt) Thanks for that quick response.
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04:30 PM
Hi Nathan What did you have to do to get WingWare IDE to work with Pro? I've set the Project Properties to point to my python clone, changed the activate location,etc... but it still seems that I am pulling arcmap versions of functions. Thanks for any help.
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02:26 PM
FWIW, I've been taught by some Esri folks that a preferred way is to stop and start in this order. Data Store, ArcGIS Server, Portal. The unintuitive thing is to bring them in the same order that you stopped them. First Data Store, then Server, now wait a few minutes then bring Portal. Give Portal about 5 minutes to settle in. Apparently Portal prefers to find the services already up and running when it comes up.
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04:19 PM
Starting with 10.5.1, you can use a * for the replicaID to be removed to remove all replicas on Portal or AGOL (I assuem AGOL, I'm looking at Feature servics on a Portal.) However, I cannot figure out the REST interface to just call this from an endpoint as discussed on: I think, the issue is sending a POST from the url. I believe a GET is the default. Back to writing python code or JS I guess.
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06:14 PM
My experience is that Dashboards are not movable or copy-able and require a rebuild from scratch. I open the current Dashboard on one screen and then emulate the work in the new environment. I have read or been told that it might be feasible to copy a dashboard via json or was it xml? Anyway, I recall trying to copy one time and it was just a real cluster. Was much easier to do what I describe above. And I think all I was trying to do was to point at a new data source, everything else was the same except the name of the hosted feature layer. If someone could create a tool for doing this, wow, it would be a huge hit. Paul Davidson ABCWUA
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12:30 PM
Great idea and I like the overall concept when updating Hosted FClass. Definitely hHave to remember this one next time an update gives me grief which seems to be quite often Thanks for sharing!!! -Paul Davidson
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03:04 PM
We rebuild the locators weekly, just after updating the file.gdbs Logically it seems to make sense -Paul Davidson
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06:19 PM
I'm guessing that what you mean is that you are trying to run the scripts somehow inside of the Portal environment? For example, if there were a Portal Task Scheduler? I'm also guessing that your Portal server is standalone Portal? That you don't have a Base Enterprise deployment? Build a Windows Base Enterprise Deployment All of my deployments have always been Base so I've always had access to AGS (ArcGIS Server) on the box. And that allows me to just duplicate what you do, use Task Scheduler to set up and run my Python scripts when and where I want. I don't see why you couldn't just do the same thing on a standalone Portal, but it's been 5 years since I stood that up and I don't recall what Python gets installed with that. But you could always install a standalone Python environment (I mean an Esri one that has arcpy embedded, etc...) Or at least, it used to be you could that. There were stand alone Python installers. I'm not sure those are still available but you could always install ArcPRO on the box or ArcMap depending on 64 or 32 bit code and py3 or 2.7 I would think it would be real simple to install the python you want and run you scripts just like did on AGS via Task Scheduler (again, I've made an assumption, that you're in Windows and not the Linux world.) I remember now that I did this on a stand alone windows server to get access to Python3 and Panda, etc... and this was running an old 10.1 AGS (not in use, just sitting there running.) I found some notes on that, it wasn't trivial. I had to hunt around for Python3 install stuff on a base box. My sketchy notes were: # I managed to run python3.x scripts on an all in one Portal, AGS, Data Store at 10.6.0) by: # I found the Python3 installation folders on that server by seeking out the ArcPro batch files. # I had a clue that Python3 was available in an AGS VM due to a GIS StackExchange thread and comment from Kevin Hibma: # # Kevin pointed us in a general direction for Python3 folder. # I then found the ArcPro scripts in: C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Server\framework\runtime\ArcGIS\bin\Python\Scripts # within that folder are (5) batch files: activate.bat, deactivate.bat, proenv.bat, propy.bat, proswap.bat # clearly they're related to setting up an external environment for Python3 so that scripts developed in ArcPro # can be run as stand alone, external scripts. # BUT, the scripts themselves are not documented so it's tricky figuring out which to run, in what order, etc... and it appears I didn't document the trickiness solution - sorry, I imagine I was off and running getting the scripts to run from task scheduler and that was the end of that documentation. Don't know if this help but good luck with it.
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08:34 PM
I’d recommend utilizing the backup tool provided by Esri to make sure you collect everything. I forget the name of the tool but it’s readily found. - Paul Davidson
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06:07 PM
Interesting side note a number of years later. I'm working in ArcPRO 2.4, same scenario, going to add a Join and warned about creating an index. Been dong this long enough to know the index is not critical (usually....) but rarely hurt and the Attribute in question is in essence a primary key for us on many of our Feature Classes. But in ArcPro, I'm not aware of any Admin Mode or any Right click to look at versions, etc... Was just about to walk away, sort the data on the Attribute Key in question on the assumption the sort would help some. Especially given that on the other Feature Class, I was able to add an Index to the Attribute Join key field. For some reason I thought I'd try to rebuild the Spatial index. Most probably because it's staring me in the face there in ArcPro. I also thought maybe there is an issue with the Spatial Index holding a lock on the file. The Spatial Index rebuilt just fine and after it finished, there, lounging in anticipation of an eventful mouse click was the elusive button, all boxed in and ready to go Add A quick mouse click later witnessed the creation of the critical indices. Go Figure...
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08:37 PM
Ditto, this would be so helpful. I recently had to roll our Hydrant Inspection program forward to the new year (2019.) The Op Dashboard is a very well received part of that program and used a lot. Unfortunately, I did not know you couldn't just swap out the map until I I copied the 2018 Dashboard and was hit with the reality of rebuilding the Dashboard. I would be swapping identical layers with the exception of some naming for 2019 over 2018. But I had to rebuild all widgets from scratch. Tedious, error prone, not a good situation for an ADD guy who gets antsy doing repetitive work that should be easily solved by a PC. Many thanks to Mr. Dye for his suggestion. I had tried something similar but got hung up trying to find the Json and then overwhelmed by other work fires so that by the time I returned to the project, I really had no option but to drudge it out by hand. I don't do well with drudgery.
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08:14 PM
This was going to be my comment also. Provide methods for even distributions in the X or Y dimensions . Snapping to edges of other widgets is also an excellent (I would claim necessary) idea. However, since I can make dashboards now without widget edge snapping, I guess it's not exactly necessary. But it sure would be helpful. 😉
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07:50 PM
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