Character symbols don't display right?

10-01-2011 12:06 PM
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Occasional Contributor III
Character symbols, which in turn become picture symbols from the AGS, display differently:

- From the REST endpoint, they look a bit washed out.
- From the WPF legend control, they look even more washed out, but not terrible.
- From a WPF ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer they are not washed out at all, but seem to be missing a few lines of resolution (usually looks like the left most column and bottom most row of pixels are cropped off).
- From a WPF FeatureLayer they look pretty much the same as in the legend.

I have tried publishing with no Anti-Aliasing and also with Normal, doesn't seem to make a difference.  I also tried changing ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer.ImageFormat to all the different options with no difference.  I have attached a screenshot to help show the difference.

The primary display that I would like to get fixed is of the ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, but having all the different areas of display looking just as crisp as they do in ArcMap would be ideal. 

Is there just a setting I am missing here?  In the AGS?  In the WPF app?

Thanks a lot for any help!
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