USLE and the wonderful world of Model BUilder

06-20-2011 02:42 PM
New Contributor
i am trying to do a if then statment with in model builder .  This is what i have so far.. see attached
  this is what i am going for:
Pow([flowacc] * 10 / 22.13 , X) * Pow(Sin([slope] * 0.01745) / 0.09 , 1.3)

where X changes due to the percent slope calculated in the first line in the model builder slope
= 0.5 if percent slope of the cell >= 5
= 0.4 if percent slope of the cell >= 3.5 AND < 5
= 0.3 if percent slope of the cell >= 1 AND < 3.5
= 0.2 if percent slope of the cell < 1

where flowacc is caluclated in the lower line of the model builder. 

the above formula works well in raster catalog and in the end the output needs to be one raster. very new to the programming world but getting there and any help woud be great. Thanks in advance
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