arcgisUtils.createMap with InfoWindow for deferred content

05-31-2014 04:47 AM
New Contributor
Using arcgisUtils.createMap method.

Specifying the InfoWindow instead of Popup in mapOptions, because we need to setContent with a deferred

Problem:  Throwing an error when clicking the graphic. (TypeError: c.clearFeatures is not a function)

A simple example

Question 1: Is it possible to use arcgisUtils.createMap and InfoWindow instead of Popup?

Question 2: Is it possible to set deferred content in a Popup?


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1 Reply
New Contributor
Not sure I understand everything I know about the InfoWindow/Popup and deferred content, but I do have something working...

Quetions from previous post:
Q1: Yes, but not if you want to use a deferred to set the content.  When the map is created with arcgisUtils.createMap(), there will now be a call to clearFeatures() and setFeatures() when the InfoWindow shows.  These methods are not available on InfoWindow, they are only on the newer Popup.

Q2: Sort of.  An example of my approach is available at  While viewing the console, click one of the markers.  After 1000ms you will see the content change simulating the response from a service.

Couple of things I need help understanding:

1 - There is a difference in the behavior of the InfoWindow when the response returns in <300ms.  Longer than 300ms, the loading text is replaced with the infoTemplate content, then when the service finally returns, the content is updated with the data from the response. 

How can I display "loading" text until the service returns???

2 - What is happening at the 300ms after the click that changes the InfoWindow content?

3 - Is there a better way to set dynamic content in the Popup?

var map,
webmapId = "d5e02a0c1f2b4ec399823fdd3c2fdebd";

    "dojo/domReady!"], function (array, Color, lang, domConstruct, Graphic, Map, arcgisUtils, Legend, Extent, Point, InfoTemplate, esriLang, GraphicsLayer, SpatialReference, SimpleMarkerSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol) {

    //mock data
    var jobs = [{
        id: "1",
        display: "Job 1",
        x: -49429959.47094255,
        y: 4290323.197178331
    }, {
        id: "2",
        display: "Job 2",
        x: -49417505.01264635,
        y: 4294429.895955721

    createGraphicsLayer = function () {

        layer = new GraphicsLayer();

        var infoTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Job:: ${id}", "Job:: ${display} <br> ${realTimeA} <br> ${realTimeB}");
        var outlineColor = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color("snow"), 2);
        var marker = new SimpleMarkerSymbol(SimpleMarkerSymbol.STYLE_CIRCLE, 20, outlineColor, new Color([247, 127, 0, 0.85]));

        array.forEach(jobs, function (job) {

            var point = new Point(job.x, job.y, map.spatialReference);

            var attribute = {
                "display": job.display

            var graphic = new Graphic(point, marker, attribute, infoTemplate);




        //Get and display dynamic data when user selects graphic
        layer.on('click', function (evt) {


            //simulation of request to get dynamic data
            //id from graphic used as a request param (
            setTimeout(function () {
                var d = new Date();
                var curr_sec = d.getSeconds();
                var curr_msec = d.getMilliseconds();

                currentTime = curr_sec + ":" + curr_msec;

                console.log("async response from service " + currentTime);

                //mock response for job2 from service
                var response = {
                    realTimeA: "currentA for Job1 " + currentTime,
                    realTimeB: "currentB for Job1 " + currentTime

                //mock response for job2 from service
                if ( === "job2") {
                    response = {
                        realTimeA: "currentA for Job2 " + currentTime,
                        realTimeB: "currentB for Job2 " + currentTime

                //update the graphic with real-time data from service
                lang.mixin(evt.graphic.attributes, response);

                map.infoWindow.setContent(esriLang.substitute(evt.graphic.attributes, evt.graphic.infoTemplate.content));


                // <300ms acts differently that >300ms.  What am I missing????
            }, 1000);


    arcgisUtils.createMap(webmapId, "mapDiv", {

        mapOptions: {
            "extent": new Extent({
                xmax: -49396857.46038077,
                xmin: -49444133.762375094,
                ymax: 4302199.600448086,
                ymin: 4280873.66955655,
                spatialReference: {
                    wkid: 102100
    }).then(function (response) {
        map =;

        //create graphics static data
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