App Rotation with Tab Bar

07-15-2010 12:12 PM
New Contributor III
has anyone been able to get a tab bar based application to rotate to the device orientation. 

I have returned YES to rotate but nothing happens.

-(BOOL) shouldAutoRotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
return YES;

I have tried this in both iPhone & iPad within the simulator, and iPhone on device.  Regular apple templates react as expected, but ESRI templates do not. 

Any Ideas?
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4 Replies
New Contributor
IN case of a tab bar app, all the view controllers of the tab bar should override -

(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
    // Return YES for supported orientations
    return YES ;

once all view controllers are allowed to autorotate , then only tab bar will rotate.

One more way is subclass UITabBarController and then override its shouldAutoRotate function to YES.

Tell me if it works or not.

Harikant Jammi
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New Contributor
It didn't work with me 😞 😞

I tried to rotate the device orientation

I have returned YES to rotate but nothing happens.

I have tried this in both iPhone & iPad within the simulator

and all view controllers are allowed to autorotate

when i show a view using the Following code  after clicking on the map (which is not rotated):

[self presentModalViewController:MySubView animated:YES];
[ShowDataView release];

and rotate the simulator , it rotate !! and when i go back to the tabBar the map show up unrotated

see attached image

Any Ideas ??
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New Contributor III
I have found that it is easier to start with the apple template and then add dependencies for ArcGIS for iOS. 

I went through this exercise of trying to use the ESRI template and enable AutoRotate without any success.  I ended up comparing the apple template and ESRI template against eachother, and even after mimicking the apple template I was not able to produce the results that I needed (AutoRotate).

It was much easier and less frustrating to just build it using the apple template as a starting point. 

ESRI has a very good help section on adding dependencies to your project to allow for the use of ArcGIS for iOS SDK.
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New Contributor II
Try modify ...-Info.plist file in your Xcode project.

If you will modify it as source file, it can be like in my project


If you will modify this plist file as XML property list (default variant), it can be like this screenshot
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