Adding indexables for ArcGIS Metadata Format

01-08-2014 11:31 AM
New Contributor II
We're running geoportal 1.22, and we'd like to index the publisher elements of various metadata standards.  In FGDC, there are a couple of elements that are already mapped to the 'publisher' meaning, but we wanted to add [/metadata/idinfo/citation/citeinfo/pubinfo/publish], which seems like a natural choice.  So I just slipped that into the xpath expression in /geoportal/WEB-INF/classes/gpt/metadata/fgdc/fgdc-indexables.xml, and it worked just great.  We can now search on that element of FGDC metadata.

The trouble comes when I try to add an indexable for the ArcGIS Metadata format.  There is a similar file in /geoportal/WEB-INF/classes/gpt/metadata/esri/esri-arcgis-indexables.xml that I added a new line to:

<property meaning="publisher" xpath="/metadata/dataIdInfo/idCitation/citRespParty/rpOrgName"/>

But this line has no effect on search.  I can't find a document based on the contents of that element.  I also noticed that there are indexables in esri-iso-definition.xml, so I added the same line in there, and that also made no difference.  What am I missing?
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