Problem combining services i 10.1

10-07-2013 09:07 AM
New Contributor II
We are trying to migrate to ArcGis 10.1 from 10.0. Our application uses multiple cached map-services.
We have a background layer cached from 1:250000,100000,50000,25000,10000,5000,2500,1500,800,400,200 to1:100  and a foreground layer cached from 1:25000,10000,5000,2500,1500,800,400,200 to 1:100.

In 10.0 there was no problem creating two services and combining them in a web application is there a difference in 10.1 ?

Simply combining these services in 10.1 in an application doesnt seem to retrieve any tiles, we are using the Web Application Manager to create the application (In FireBug we get "Failure loading tile" and "There is an error during the draw (1.) Unspecified error" in the AGS-log.

The services themself seem fine, viewing them in ArcGis Server manager displays the tiles correctly.
Am also slightly confused why the two new fields in the caching tab on the service, Minimum Scale and Maximum Scale refer to.

Anybody with similar problems ?

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3 Replies
Esteemed Contributor
Are you using the web adaptor?  I ask because is there any chance you could be using the incorrect URL in the v10.1 environment.  I believe you need to include the port in your URL if you are not using the web adaptor.

v10.1   http://gis:6080/arcgis/rest/ - gis would just be the new server name

v10.0   http://gis/arcgis/rest/ - gis would just be the old server name
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New Contributor II
Thanks for the input,
No we are not using the webadaptor so we are using the port in our urls.

We have multiple cache-directories on our server, thinking that there maybe was an issue with that I removed one. After that I started getting a more consistent behaviour.
After creating an application using one cached service with ArcGis Web App Manager it works fine and I can see that the tiles are being fetched with a proper url like this:

But adding another layer to the app spoiled it I see that tiles are being fetched with incorrect url like this:

However after fiddling around with the layers it seems that when creating a web application if you have more then one cached service the top service url or possibly all the services urls get messed up. The workaround I found was to add an extra dummy  layer at the top and set it invisible. After the app is created its seems its ok to then go back and edit the app and remove the top layer, pretty bizarre !
Anyone able to reproduce this ? Or is there something screwed up in our configuration ?

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Esteemed Contributor
I would start an incident with ESRI to see if this is a bug with their software.  I only have cached mapservices in 1 directory at the moment so I can not reproduce your scenario.
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