Links to Items in "My Content" expire??

09-09-2013 08:52 AM
New Contributor II
I have uploaded items to "My Content" such as small images. I then configure a Popup using the images URL

Such as:

everything works fine, my images are used in the flyout and also i can use other Items as the Link. (which is very cool)

But after a few days the URL to my items is not valid...kinda like it expired? The flyouts show broken links.

How do i make a Popup using Items in "My Content" with a valid URL so that i do not have to repeat this process every few days?

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4 Replies
New Contributor II
I also added an attachment to a dummy feature. Then i extracted the URL for that feature, and used it to drive my lasted for about an hour, then the link went dead. Any ideas how i can add images to my flyouts, and not have them expire. Also, I cannot put my files on a public server.

Thanks guys.
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New Contributor II
I was just browsing the up and coming enhancments
and noticed ---->

Other enhancements

Support for two additional languages: Czech and Finnish.
When you add an image file to ArcGIS Online, the details page displays the URL of the image. You can use the URL to reference the image in web apps, web map pop-up windows, and so on.

I'm thinking this will solve my problem....Hopefully...
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Esri Notable Contributor
The URL you provided in your first post contains a security token. These tokens expire. Just remove the token from the URL, and the system should authenticate off your current signed in account.


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New Contributor II
The URL you provided in your first post contains a security token. These tokens expire. Just remove the token from the URL, and the system should authenticate off your current signed in account.

So what part of this link would i have to remove to get it to work correctly:

I could not successfully delete the Token and still get it to work.

Thanks for the Help.
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