Areal precipitation using IDW

09-08-2013 11:03 PM
New Contributor
I have got the following problem. I have a catchment and several gauging stations measuring daily precipitation amounts. I would like to interpolate the precipitation amounts from these stations (points) to the whole catchment. In the next step I would like to calculate average precipitation value for the catchment. I can do it for one day (1 value for each station).
The problem is that I have 30 years of daily precipitation measurements in each station and so I need to do this process thousands of times. I have created a simple model in model builder which could do this process once, but I am not able to force it to do it repeatedly.

I need help how to automate this process.

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6 Replies
New Contributor
I have got the following problem. I have a catchment and several gauging stations measuring daily precipitation amounts. I would like to interpolate the precipitation amounts from these stations (points) to the whole catchment. In the next step I would like to calculate average precipitation value for the catchment. I can do it for one day (1 value for each station).
The problem is that I have 30 years of daily precipitation measurements in each station and so I need to do this process thousands of times. I have created a simple model in model builder which could do this process once, but I am not able to force it to do it repeatedly.

I need help how to automate this process.

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Occasional Contributor III
You will need to create a loop or iteration process to go through each or of your daily records. There are iteration tools in ModelBuilder or maybe export to python and code the iteration/loop process.


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New Contributor
You will need to create a loop or iteration process to go through each or of your daily records. There are iteration tools in ModelBuilder or maybe export to python and code the iteration/loop process.



Any example Craig that you would like to provide here?

I am also stuck in same condition. Iteration in model builder does not clearly mention using fields within the same shapefile/ table (each field is a measurement for a day in my case). I think examples are not clear too. If I need to use IDW and iterate across multiple fields how would I set up the model builder? Attached is the screenshot of the attribute table of the shapefile I plant to iterate.

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Occasional Contributor III
The critical part you need to manipulate is the field names. Access to these can be achieved using:

import arcpy
tbl= arcpy.ListFields(r'D:\Temp\Test.mdb\Test')
for fld_names in tbl:


import arcpy
tbl = r'D:\Temp\Test.mdb\Test'
fld_names = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(tbl)]
print fld_names

Second method many by more ideal for iterating in a script, as field names are stored in a python list/table.


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New Contributor
Thanks Craig for your quick response. I figured out that I need to use ListField. I am struggling figuring out the correct syntax. I found a python script to iterate IDW on ESRI Forum but that script was written for ArcGIS 9.3. I've recently upgraded to 10.2 and I think the scripts are now not compatible.

I would be really grateful if you could provide further help.


The critical part you need to manipulate is the field names. Access to these can be achieved using:

import arcpy
tbl= arcpy.ListFields(r'D:\Temp\Test.mdb\Test')
for fld_names in tbl:


import arcpy
tbl = r'D:\Temp\Test.mdb\Test'
fld_names = [ for f in arcpy.ListFields(tbl)]
print fld_names

Second method many by more ideal for iterating in a script, as field names are stored in a python list/table.


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Occasional Contributor III
Without testing it myself, try:

import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *


env.workspace = 
srcFC =
cellSize =
power =
searchRadius = 

tbl= arcpy.ListFields(srcFC, 'r*')
for zField in tbl:
    print 'Processing: ' + zField

    outIDW = Idw(srcFC, zField, cellSize, power, searchRadius) + '\\' + zField + '_IDW')

del srcFC, cellSize, power, searchRadius, tbl, zField

You will need to set your input workspace, source featureclass, cellsize, power, radius.

You will need to have a look at the 10.2 Help reference to IDW, so you can identify which Radius method you wish to utilise.

What I have given here is a basis for development, which needs to be polished and finished to run for your application.

If it doesn't run in IDLE, run from within Python GUI in ArcGIS or ArcCatalog.


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