Upgraded ADF application (9.3 to 10.1) issues

08-01-2013 03:39 PM
Occasional Contributor
I can't figure out which is the best sub-forum for this question (why are there so many?), and I suspect I might be the only person in the whole world attempting to do this, but here goes...

I had an application based on the .NET Web ADF originally built in 9.3. The server is being upgraded to 10.1 so the application needs to move with it (re-architecting is not an option).

The automated upgrade utility was not the smoothest process and I have since fixed a couple of very obvious bugs in the ESRI JavaScript. However there is one problem I can't figure out:

Intermittently, after a full page reload, the map fails to render. The application calls ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.UI.WebControls.MapHandler.ashx requesting a URL for the new map image. Sometimes that handler returns

{"code":400,"type":"error","errorMessage":"Resource <service name> not found"}

The application then requests an image from ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Web.MimeImage.ashx passing an ImgID parameter that seems to be randomly made-up - I can't see it in any previous requests and it obviously isn't provided by MapHandler.ashx. The server then responds with a 404. If I reload the application again the same requests are sent with exactly the same parameters (in the example I saw the post-reload request even passed the same 't' parameter which I assume should represent time) and a successful response is returned.

Can anyone tell me why my service is reported as unavailable? ArcGIS Server is not logging any errors or warnings.
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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor
Hola, veo que nadie te ha respondido desde el 2010. En mi caso tengo que migrar 13 aplicaciones entre Webs Desktops y Procesos, de 9.3.1 para ir a 10 o a 10.1.
Por falta de información voy a ir a 10.
Como te fue con tu problema, lograron solucionarlo? ¿Alguien de ESRI, puede animarse a plantear por ejemplo, si la aplicación a migrar utiliza WEB ADF, todas las task (identify/zoom/etc) utilizando parcial class no te funcionaran? ¿Alguien utilizo la librería NITK, allá por el 2007/09, luego lograron migrar a 10.1?
Gracias saludos,
Anibal Martinez
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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The thread is not that old - it is my join date that is 2010.

I did manage to get this issue resolved although I am afraid I cannot recall how. It's possible I didn't do anything and whatever was upsetting AGS at the time resolved itself...

My application is using some of the NITK components and they were upgraded OK. I have to disable a few functions that didn't seem compatible with upgraded DLLs but fortunately for me they were not being used by my code.

The upgrade from 9.3.1 to 10.1 is possible but I had numerous problems with the core JavaScript (not customised code). I saw bugs within seconds of opening my upgraded application, almost as if no one actually tested the upgrade utility before it was released.

If you ask for help with the ADF these days you might get some assistance but only after repeated suggestions to migrate to a new framework e.g. the JS API. These are good suggestions but totally ignore the realities of having developed substantial applications against an old framework and not having budget to re-architect all that functionality. If this applies to you I can only suggest you remain skeptical of each 'next big thing' until it's been proven in the wild, which the ADF never was.
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Occasional Contributor

Finalmente Tom, te cuento como nos fue, Web ADF y NITK que era lo que mas temíamos, tubo algunos problemas javascript no muy graves, como comentaste y se pudieron solucionar.

El mayor problema no contemplado, fue que algunos métodos de arcobjet que en 9.3.1 no requerían inicializar licencia en 10 o 10.1 si requiere y el mensaje de error no ayuda a detectarlo y no hay documentación sobre estos cambios.

También en aplicaciones windows forms tuvimos inconveniente con los procesos en background.

Por ultimo tuvimos un incidente difícil de identificar con Oracle 11G y ArcSDE por un Critical update de Octubre 2014.

Tu ayuda fue la única que recibí antes de encarar el proyecto, espero que mi experiencia le sirva a otros,



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