make a copy of .tlb

06-26-2013 06:16 AM
New Contributor III
I am curious how it would be possible to make a copy of a project and rebuild it using a different name. 
One tool will be in WGS and the other in NAD, which is why I would like to do this other than that they do the same thing.
When I made a copy and changed the names of the assembly .dll etc they still write over one another when loaded I guess because they are still using the same Guid as well as address because of the copy... how would I rebuild it as a "new project" without starting over and copying each class/gui one at a time. 
So just to restate same tool just different projection/ they can have different names and or buttons it doesn't matter.
Thanks for the input!
Arc 10.1
Visual Studio 10.0 Pro or express 3.5
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Frequent Contributor
The GUIDs have to change for anything exposed to COM.  This would include the library GUID (AssemblyInfo.cs) as well as objects which are exposed such as ICommands, IExtensions, etc.

Another alternative is to use add-ins.
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