ESRI SDK / Map Service Outage?

06-04-2013 04:19 PM
Occasional Contributor
Hi, I'm curious to know if anyone here has been experiencing the same weird behavior we're seeing with the javascript SDK. Sometimes it loads, sometimes it does not. The tile imagery for our basemaps loads, other times it does not. Our application was usable yesterday, but it unusable today. No changes were made to it.

The weirdest part is that our javascript does not throw any errors, and the service works at other times albeit very slowly.

Has anyone else noticed this today?

- Aaron
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor II
Hello Aaron,

There could be many reasons for the not loading of the basemap. Try resetting IIS server,see if there are any errors recorded in console window of the tab where application is running. This might be also possibility that the service is stopped.
I was Facing similar issue when i have added the topological map as a basemap and the map was not loading completely only it was loading in alternate frames. From this issue I learnt that when we use proxy page for the services and at the same time when our network administrator blocks the proxy then it happens that the services request and response get blocked and map doesn't load.
Try creating one more dummy page and see if the basemap loads properly.

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