Trouble deactivating the drawing toolbar when I close my floating pane

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05-31-2013 12:31 PM
Frequent Contributor
I have decided that I don't like the new measurement widget, so I'm going back to basics.  I have a floating pane containing two buttons and a display field.  One button for measuring area and the other for measuring length.

I think I have the geometry service calls sorted out, but when I close my floating pane, which should also deactivate the toolbar I created, I continue to have the tooltips for 'Click to start drawing'.  The lines for 'measureActive = true' are used to keep the identify I have defined elsewhere from firing on my click event until I close the measure pane.

Here are the relevant functions:
//functions for measurement  function closeMeasure () {     console.log ("closeMeasure");     measureActive = false;     dojo.disconnect(measureHandler);     dojo.disconnect(measureAreaHandler);     dojo.disconnect(measureLengthHandler);     measureTb.deactivate();;     identifyHandler = dojo.connect(map, 'onClick' , doIdentify); } function openGeomMeasure () {   measureActive = true;;    measureAreaHandler = dojo.connect(geomService, "onAreasAndLengthsComplete", outputAreaAndLength);    measureLengthHandler =dojo.connect(geomService, "onLengthsComplete", outputLength);    var measureError = dojo.connect(geomService, "onError" , measureErrHandler);     var fp = dijit.byId('floater_GeomMeasure');         if (( =="visibility: hidden;") || ("VISIBILITY:hidden;")) {  "visible";  ;         }      measureHandler = dojo.connect(measureTb, "onDrawEnd", getAreaAndLength);   } function getAreaAndLength(geometry) {;         var graphic = esri.Graphic(geometry, highlightFillSymbol));         var geoType = geometry.type;        if (geoType == 'polygon') {         //setup the parameters for the areas and lengths operation       var areasAndLengthParams = new esri.tasks.AreasAndLengthsParameters();          areasAndLengthParams.areaUnit = esri.tasks.GeometryService.UNIT_ACRES;       geomService.simplify([geometry], function(simplifiedGeometries) {           areasAndLengthParams.polygons = simplifiedGeometries;           geomService.areasAndLengths(areasAndLengthParams);       });        }else {        var lengthParams = new esri.tasks.LengthsParameters();       lengthParams.lengthUnit = esri.tasks.GeometryService.UNIT_FOOT;        lengthParams.geodesic = true;            geomService.simplify([geometry], function(simplifiedGeometries) {           lengthParams.polylines = simplifiedGeometries;           geomService.lengths(lengthParams);       });          }          } function measureErrHandler (error) {     console.log ("MeasureErrHandler = " + error); } function outputAreaAndLength(result) {   console.log(dojo.toJson(result));   dojo.byId("measureText").innerHTML = "<b>Area: </b> " + result.areas[0].toFixed(2) + " Acres";     // dojo.byId('distanceDetails').innerHTML = distance; } function outputLength (result) {     console.log(dojo.toJson(result));    dojo.byId("measureText").innerHTML = "<b>Length: </b> :" + result.lengths[0].toFixed(2) + " Feet";  } function startAreaMeasure () {     measureActive = true;     measureTb.deactivate();     measureTb.activate(esri.toolbars.Draw.POLYGON);     dojo.byId("measureText").innerHTML = ""; } function startDistanceMeasure () {     measureActive = true;     measureTb.deactivate();     measureTb.activate(esri.toolbars.Draw.POLYLINE);     dojo.byId("measureText").innerHTML = "";      }
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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Frequent Contributor
I ended up with a variation of your suggestion:

var minNode = dojo.query('#floater_GeomMeasure .dojoxFloatingMinimizeIcon')[0];   dojo.connect(minNode, "onclick", function(e){ //      console.log("dojo connect minNode onClick");       closeMeasure(); });

This executes my closeMeasure, which includes deactivating the draw toolbar.  It worked in IE 8, which is still our default browser.

View solution in original post

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor
I think I have a different problem.  I have a dojo.connect that is supposed to be listening for when the pane is closing to do some clean up by calling the closeMeasure function.

I just realized that 'closeMeasure' isn't getting called after all. I thought it was.  My problem is the syntax is listening for when the floating pane is closed.  Or should I be listening for something related to the dock?

I have a line that must not be the right way to go about this:

dojo.connect (dijit.byId('floater_GeomMeasure'), "onHide", closeMeasure);

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Occasional Contributor II
Try using floating pane closeNode onclick method

var myfloatingPane = dijit.byId('myFloatingPane');
dojo.connect(myfloatingPane.closeNode, "onclick", function (e) {
//Call your function here for deactivating measure toolbar
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Frequent Contributor
No, that didn't work.  Aren't nodes more for widgets?  This is just a standard floating pane with a couple of buttons in it.   I saw another thread that I thought was similar to listen for when an infoWindow closed:

<a class="hide" dojoattachpoint="_hide" dojoattachevent="onclick:hide" style="margin-left: 303px; "><div class="sprite"></div></a>

Code related to the event:
dojo.connect(map.infoWindow._hide, "onclick", function(){
      //your code here for handling the close button click.

I haven't quite figured out the syntax yet, but it seems like I should maybe be looking at something similar on the minimize dojoattachpoint of the minimize icon instead?
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Occasional Contributor III
Here's one way to connect to minimize icon of a floating pane. Doesn't work in IE <= 8.

var minNode = dojo.query('#tools-measure-floating-pane .dojoxFloatingMinimizeIcon')[0];
dojo.attr(minNode, 'onclick', '');
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Frequent Contributor
I ended up with a variation of your suggestion:

var minNode = dojo.query('#floater_GeomMeasure .dojoxFloatingMinimizeIcon')[0];   dojo.connect(minNode, "onclick", function(e){ //      console.log("dojo connect minNode onClick");       closeMeasure(); });

This executes my closeMeasure, which includes deactivating the draw toolbar.  It worked in IE 8, which is still our default browser.
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Occasional Contributor III
It worked in IE 8, which is still our default browser.


I need to update mine as dojo.attr is depreciated anyway.
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