Viewing Offline Map

05-29-2013 08:34 AM
New Contributor
Hi, I have this problem...

In my map I load a tiled layer (right now a BingMapsLayer, but it also worked this way with ArcGISTiledMapServiceLayer) then I navigate a bit to collect tiles of my surroundings (for example, neighborhood or something like that).

Tiles seem to be cached as I move arround the map...

After I close de application, I shut down all network connections, and restart the application.... My map never loads any of the cached data...

I can see the tiles are being saved in my SDCard ( /sdcard/Android/data/<myAppPackage>/cache/esritiles578758924.0.db )

Is this the intended behavior ??? 

I remember working long ago with ArcGIS Mobile SDK (windows mobile) and it was already solved that whenever de API finds cached data, it automatically uses it....

I can also say this is the case with the Google Maps Android API

Thanks in advance for any suggestions

PS: I would like to avoid having to create an offline caché as my applicaction is not designed to work on any fixed place... but I would like to be able to navigate around an area of interest (countryside with no conectivity, for example) and be able to use the application
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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor III
Current workflow with v10.1.1 is to create a compact cache or tile package (*.tpk) to view offline maps/data.  You can also persist features as JSON for offline viewing.  The next release will support the workflow you are describing whereby there will be a useable db cached to your device for offline maps/data/features etc.
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