Turn off Popups for certain layers only

02-27-2013 05:29 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Is there a way to turn off popups for only certain layers? My app loops through the visible layers and returns a popup for each. Some of the layers only show boundaries, so I don't need anything to be created for it.

the loop:
function initIdentifies(map) {
        idParams = new esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters();
                idParams.tolerance = 5;
                idParams.returnGeometry = true;
                idParams.layerOption = esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE;
                dojo.connect(map, "onClick", runIdentifies);
            function runIdentifies(evt) {
                var layers = dojo.map(map.layerIds, function(layerId) {
                    return map.getLayer(layerId);
                }); //Create an array of all layers in the map
                layers = dojo.filter(layers, function(layer) {
                    return layer.getImageUrl && layer.visible;
                }); //Only dynamic layers have the getImageUrl function. Filter so you only query visible dynamic layers
                var tasks = dojo.map(layers, function(layer) {
                    return new esri.tasks.IdentifyTask(layer.url);
                }); //map each visible dynamic layer to a new identify task, using the layer url
                var defTasks = dojo.map(tasks, function (task) {
                    return new dojo.Deferred();
                }); //map each identify task to a new dojo.Deferred
                var dlTasks = new dojo.DeferredList(defTasks); //And use all of these Deferreds in a DeferredList
                dlTasks.then(IDResults); //chain IDResults onto your DeferredList
                idParams.width = map.width;
                idParams.height = map.height;
                idParams.geometry = evt.mapPoint;
                idParams.mapExtent = map.extent;
                for (i=0;i<tasks.length;i++) { //Use 'for' instead of 'for...in' so you can sync tasks with defTasks
                    try {
                        tasks.execute(idParams, defTasks.callback, defTasks.errback); //Execute each task
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.log("Error caught");
                        defTasks.errback(e); //If you get an error for any task, execute the errback

How I built my popups:
function IDResults(r) {
                var results = [];
                r = dojo.filter(r, function (result) {
                    return r[0];
                }); //filter out any failed tasks
                for (i=0;i<r.length;i++) {
                    results = results.concat(r[1]);
                results = dojo.map(results, function(result) {
            var feature = result.feature;
            feature.attributes.layerName = result.layerName;
            if(result.layerName === 'Zoning Classifications'){
              var template = new esri.dijit.PopupTemplate({
       description:"<b>Zoning:</b> {Zoning Classification} <br/> <b>Description:</b> {Zoning Description}"
            else if (result.layerName === 'Assisted Living Facilities'){
              var template = new esri.dijit.PopupTemplate({
       title:"Assisted Living Facilities",
       description:"<b>Parcel ID:</b> {Parcel} <br/> <b>Applicant:</b> {BusinessApplicantName} <br/> <b>No. of Residents</b> {NbrResidents}"
      else if (result.layerName === 'Family Divisions'){
              var template = new esri.dijit.PopupTemplate({
       title:"Family Divisions",
       description:"<b>Parcel ID:</b> {Parcel} <br/> <b>Project Number:</b> {project_nbr} </br> <b>Status:</b> {Status}"
return feature;

if(results.length === 0) {
                } else {
                return results;
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1 Reply
New Contributor
You could create an array containing names of layers to be ignored, then as you loop through the visible layers check to see whether each layer is in the array before creating an Identify task for it.
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