print and legend - classes

10-10-2012 12:00 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a print thing for a web map that I have set up, using the print dijit and stock templates (landscape A4). Now, the dynamic webmap has a layer with a unique values (classes) symbology.

The classes display ok in the output, but not the heading (layer name), which is displayed using the legend dijit by the way.

What I want:
Building classes

  • Warehouse

  • Office

  • Housing

Instead I get just:

  • Warehouse

  • Office

  • Housing

Any tips?
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4 Replies
Frequent Contributor
you could include a group layer in your map service called "Building classes" and include it in the legendLayers being passed to your layoutOptions.
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Occasional Contributor
Yeah.... but that feels a bit like a dirty workaround - the legend dijit works fine, shouldn't it work fine in the print legend then as well?
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Frequent Contributor
shouldn't it work fine in the print legend?

the legend widget doesn't work "inside of" the print widget.  the print widget makes a call to generate an entirely new legend on the server and as far as i know, the legendLayer class doesn't yet incorporate an approach for specifying individual layer titles.
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Occasional Contributor
John, is this a defect in the print utility of ArcGIS Server?

If it is, then I might just leave it as it is and hope that it will be fixed in an upcoming patch!
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