Connect to SQL Server for security throws Login failed for user \'NT AUTHORITY\ANONY

08-15-2012 11:13 AM
New Contributor III
I am trying to set security using SQL Server 2008 (Not Express) on a couple of ArcGIS Services so the REST endpoints are secured. I key in my server name (visible when I ping it from the server), and then click Connect, and in the Specify SQL Server window it throws the error:

Login failed for user \'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON\'.

I'm logged into AGS manager as myself and have administrative privileges.  I've tried \\<servername> as well as the full servername + domain extension but cannot seem to connect to it.

ArcGIS Server is on one server and SQL Server is on another. Both in DMZ.

Any ideas on what I'm missing? Thanks.
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