RasterToDTED crash sometimes (from arcEngine)

08-15-2012 06:08 AM
New Contributor

I have an arcEngine application which call RasterToDTED. On some pc's it run fine but on other it crash (without exception or anything)

All the pc's run win7, have arcEngine 10+sp2+hotfix 200405 + mole + sp1+sp2
The input raster is a "File System Raster" with 4601 columns and 6275 rows, 1 band, format: grid

Any idea which differences between the pc's I should look to find out why only some pc's crash?

The setup for the geoprocesser is like this (stripped down):
rasterToDted.in_raster = @"C:\ESRIMaps\2D Data with Elevation (WGS84)\elevationDK.tif";
              rasterToDted.in_raster = rasterLayer;
rasterToDted.out_folder = Application.StartupPath;
rasterToDted.resampling_type = "BILINEAR";
IGeoProcessorResult gpResult2 = new GeoProcessorResult();
geoprocessor.Execute(rasterToDted, null); <-- It fails here

Lars Gertsen - Denmark
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