Get field by alias

05-22-2012 11:12 AM
New Contributor
Hi All.

I'm newbie javascript arcgis and i'm in doubt how do i get a field of my layer via alias.


I can get a field in two ways:

value of field is: ${field_name}'



But the field name is too long, so I want to get the field using alias

Can someone help-me?

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6 Replies
Regular Contributor III
This should be possible, but can you provide more information - where are you attempting to get the field name (eg when running an Identify, when formatting the results of an infoWindow, etc)?

Are you working with a feature layer, dynamic layer, graphic, etc?  Do you have any sample code showing the problem you're facing?

This may help to show where/how to obtain the field via its alias in your circumstances.

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New Contributor
Hi, thank you for your reply.

I need to show the fields within a infowindow.



This infoWindow will be used with a featureLayer that uses join on two table.

I would like to use its alias because field name is very long. It is composed of database_name + database ownder + table name + field name.

So, i want to use field via alias.

Thanks again!
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Regular Contributor III
Hi Raphael,

I'd advise against doing what you're trying.

The fact that the field name is long shouldn't matter to you (as a developer) since the end-user won't ever need to see the long field-name. They'll simply see the value of the long field in the infoWinow.

A field-name is unique (ArcMap will throw an error if not) whereas aliases can be duplicated. The potential risk is that if you're trying to find a field by its alias you're not guaranteed to obtain the correct field.

To rephrase this - why do you need to use the alias rather than the field-name in the infoWindow configuration? It seems like a lot of work for no real return.

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New Contributor
As I said, the field name is too large and it consists of database_name +  owner_database.

Because this software will be installed in various locations, the name of the database may change and this can cause a big problem.

I can't use a field name that contains the database_name

Do you understand now?

Please, see attachments

Thank you again.
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Frequent Contributor
If I understand you right, you want to display the alias field name for your data? As far as I know, you still need to use the actual name in the infotemplate, but there are a couple of ways to do it.

If it's a featurelayer, you can get the alias from the fields property.

Which is an array of fields

You can then iterate the array, find the value you want and apply it.
something like
var content = "";
for (var i=0, field; field = fields; i++) {
    if (field.alias == "TARGET") {
        tmp = field.alias + ": ${" + + "}";
        content += tmp;

If not a featurelayer, you can use esri.request to get the field information.
var handle = esri.request({
    url: "URLPATH",
    content: {"f" : "json"},
    handleAs: "json"

    var fields = result.fields;
    // do your iteration to get template data here

I'm not sure if that's exactly the solution you are looking for, but I have a similar situtaion with a layer that has a join where I want to display the alias and not the long sde.dbo.blahblah name and this is similiar to how I do it.
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New Contributor
there is the possibility of obtaining the field by "qualified name".?

In other words, without "sde.dbo" .

I want that the field name not contains "sde.dbo".

do you know?
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