batch projection not work

05-08-2012 02:40 PM
Occasional Contributor
System ArcGIS 9.3

The code below was used but did not work.
Please kindly help if cs is wrong and advise code modification.
Thank you.

##Script Name: Project shapefiles (batch)
##Description: project multiple shapefiles
##Created By: Elaine Kuo
##Date: 08/05/2012

#Import standard library modules
import arcgisscripting
import os

#Create the Geoprocessor object
gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)

#Set the input workspace
#GP.workspace = sys.argv[1]
#Set the workspace.
gp.Workspace= "G:/temp"

#Set the output workspace
#outWorkspace = sys.argv[2]
#Set the workspace. List all of the feature classes in the dataset
outWorkspace= "G:/temp/test"

# Set the spatial reference variable
cs = "C:/Program Files/ArcGIS/Coordinate Systems/Geographic Coordinate Systems/World/WGS 1984.prj"

#Get a list of the featureclasses in the input folder
fcs = gp.ListFeatureClasses()

# Loop through every item in the list that was just generated
for fc in fcs:

    # Break out the name, no path or extension, using the describe object.
    desc = gp.describe(fc)
    featureName =

    # Make featureclasses as layers
    outFeatureClass = outWorkspace + os.sep + gp.ValidateTableName(featureName, outWorkspace)
    gp.Toolbox = "management"
    gp.Project(fc, outFeatureClass, cs)
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