javascript feature layer render issue

11-07-2011 07:52 AM
New Contributor
i'm adding a feature layer service via the js api. i'm getting the following errors/warnings...

Unexpected value NaN parsing x attribute.
Unexpected value NaN parsing y attribute.
Unexpected value matrix(1.00000000,0.00000000,0.00000000,1.00000000,NaN,NaN) parsing transform attribute.

the features from this service are being rendered as expected, with the addition of a stacked set of these features in the far upper-left of the map view port too!

the following is the code which i'm using to add the feature service layers...

var serviceRequestLayerURL = "";
var serviceRequestmobileLayerURL = "";

var serviceRequestLayer = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer(isBorwser ? serviceRequestLayerURL : serviceRequestmobileLayerURL, {
                mode: esri.layers.FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,
                outFields: ["*"],
                id: serviceRequestLayerId,
                displayOnPan: true

            var serviceRequestCommentsLayer = new esri.layers.FeatureLayer(serviceRequestCommentsLayerURL, {
                mode: esri.layers.FeatureLayer.MODE_SELECTION,
                outFields: ["*"],
                id: serviceRequestCommentsLayerId,
                displayOnPan: false
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5 Replies
New Contributor III
I just ran into the same issue.
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New Contributor
Did anyone ever figure out what is happening. It occurs two or three times out of four for me.
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New Contributor
It occurred to me a number of times. It usually happens at the initial call of the map.setExtent in my application. Did anyone figure out what is happening or how to debug it?
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Occasional Contributor
I am getting an same error..

Any idea?? waiting for reply from senior members  : |

It occurred to me a number of times. It usually happens at the initial call of the map.setExtent in my application. Did anyone figure out what is happening or how to debug it?
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Occasional Contributor
Hello All,

My issue was resolved.

Reason : I have few blank records + special character in database..

After cleaning all everything is up and running..

Esri forums are simply great... like support !! : ):)
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