Calculating Reservoir area (water ponding area) and volume of water in the reservoir

08-12-2011 02:17 AM
New Contributor
        I have to do water balance of a reservoir. For that I need the water spread area and volume of water with respective elevation of the reservoir.
I have a DEM(50m), a water spread area map (water body shape file). May be I can draw contour map from my DEM.
Now, what I want is - 1)area of water body. 2)area of a water and the volume of a water corresponding the elevation of a reservoir (it may be area and volume between the respective contour). So that at last I will have a answer which will look like something -
Elevation ....m
Water spread area ...sq m
Volume of water m

Can anyone help me from where I have to start? Also guide me the exact steps to be followed to achieve this target.

Many thanks in advance.

Vaibhav Gosavi
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