Error unpacking on Survey123

07-16-2020 04:55 AM
Occasional Contributor

We are trying to publish a vector tile package to a map on Survey123 (using Connect version 3.9.12). We are publishing to Arcgis Enterprise 10.6.1. 

It publishes successful but we keep getting an error when downloading the survey saying "error unpacking". The survey is only 12mb when published, and the raw vtpk is 16mb. 

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3 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi there,

Can you please provide a copy of the survey xlsx form, the vtpk, and also any other data in the survey folder in My Survey Designs, such as media or external csv files for the survey to work.

With all the files we can take a closer look.

Have you tested with latest Survey123 3.10 RC builds available on the Early Adopter Community, there has been work done on linked content and support for additional map types and offline packages for the next release.



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Occasional Contributor

I have sent the .vtpk to our local ESRI support and I am waiting for feedback from them.  I forgot to mention that the surveys and contect work fine on AGOL and only give an error on Portal.

Is there a requirement for a public facing Portal, or any other specific requirements that might form dependencies for this to work? 

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

You should only need public facing Portal if you are trying to use connect and field app, or the survey123 website outside of your network, on other side of your firewall. Are you on internal network, or external but using VPN? It sounds like it could be an internal network or server error if AGO is working fine. Have you checked the logs, both in the field app and connect, but also on the server? There should be more error information.

I see you are using quite an old version of Portal, do you have a test or dev environment where you can test same workflow with 10.7 or 10.8? It is possible this issue has been fixed in newer version of Portal.



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