How can I display 4 social media feeds in a single row without overlap and to give each one equal space? Tried using text cards to establish equal width but no luck?

03-27-2020 09:20 AM
New Contributor III

Desire is to display feeds in equal width columns. Thought I could add text cards that doc and split social media feeds to achieve desired look, but not working for me. Using arrows to nudge left or right once added to page results in overlap and unequal width of feeds.

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3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Kyle Oberg

Can you provide some screen shots of what you are thinking?

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Esri Contributor

Hi Kyle Oberg‌ -- try using the social media layout card, you should be able to just copy/paste the URL of any facebook or twitter feed into the cards' editor.  From there equally spacing via the left/right arrows should be easier (keep in mind they will stack on mobile devices).

New Contributor III

Thanks Brian - seems the issue was related to switching back and forth between edit and view modes on split screen with two different sized monitors. All good now...thanks!

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