Please Help!

03-01-2011 06:40 PM
New Contributor III
Hi Guys
I have a question on how to run a simple arcpy script without deploying the ArcGIS tools status reporting!(White Box Below)
I have a very Simple code as:

from Tkinter import *
class MyApp:                         
    def __init__(self, myParent):      
        self.myContainer1 = Frame(myParent)

        self.button1 = Button(self.myContainer1)
        self.button1["text"]= "Hello, World!"
        self.button1["background"] = "green"

root = Tk()
myapp = MyApp(root)  

every thing goes fine but the only problem is (As shown in below screen shot) the ArcGIS tools status reporting remains on the screen and didn't exit until I cancel the TKinter frame!.
I just create a simple toolbox and add the script as a stand alone script to it.

Could you please let me know how I can get rid of the ArcGIS tool statues reporting box?
can you please provide me with any tutorial or sources to create a toolbar and add the script to it?

Best Regards
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