Force scale when printing

09-12-2014 08:41 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Does anyone know how to allow printing at user defined scales?  As it stands right now, I have a drop down list of scale options that match the levels of detail in my basemaps.  It works great, but its somewhat limiting.  I would like to have a text box where folks can type in a scale, then print. 

I assume the only way to do this is to create my own JSON and use it with my printing service, but I have no idea how to do this and haven't seen an example of someone else successfully doing it.  Any ideas?  Maybe there is another way to accomplish this?

Any help/insight is greatly appreciated!!

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7 Replies
Occasional Contributor II

I found this bit of code while researching this topic and think that it may be a step in the right direction, but I am not sure.  It allows for manipulation of the ExportWebMap JSON, specific to the rotation of the map.  I haven't been able to do it successfully yet, but can I do something similar to this to edit the scale before the process is executed?

Here is the fiddle - Edit fiddle - JSFiddle

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Occasional Contributor III

I've not had any problems here (that I recall) I have a drop down list for scale too, and my print function is below.  It reads in a few extra user stuff, like template, quality, notes (the varibles returned by the various dijit.byId and Dojo.byID).  But seems to work.  I'm sure I did some tweaking, but cannot remember what.

function DoPrint() {


    var legendLayer = new esri.tasks.LegendLayer();

    legendLayer.layerId = "mainmap";

    SelectedTemplate = dijit.byId('templateselect').attr('value');

    vPrintTitle = dojo.byId("PrintTitle").value;

    vPrintComments = dojo.byId("PrintComments").value;

    vQuality = dijit.byId('quality').attr('value');

    var printTemplate = new esri.tasks.PrintTemplate();

    if (SelectedTemplate == "maponly") {

        printTemplate.format = "JPG";

    } else {

        printTemplate.format = "PDF";


    printTemplate.layout = SelectedTemplate;

    printTemplate.exportOptions = {

        width: 2125.98,

        height: 2362.2,

        dpi: vQuality


    // console.debug(printTemplate);

    var layoutOptions = {

        "copyrightText": currentcopyright,

        authorText: vPrintComments,

        titleText: vPrintTitle,

        scalebarUnit: 'Miles',

        legendLayers: [legendLayer]


    printTemplate.layoutOptions = layoutOptions;

    var printParams = new esri.tasks.PrintParameters(); = map;

    printParams.outSpatialReference = map.spatialReference;

    printParams.template = printTemplate;

    var printURL = "http://zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/rest/services/PrintService2/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map";

    var printTask = new esri.tasks.PrintTask(printURL);

    printTask.execute(printParams, function (result) { + "?timestamp=" + (new Date().getTime()), '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=620,height=600');




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Occasional Contributor II

Hi Adrian!

Thanks so much for the response!  Are the options in your scale drop down, contingent upon the levels of detail or scales in your basemaps?


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Occasional Contributor III

No, as I don't use a tiled base map so I have no set zoom scales (well, actually, my base map is a dynamic service, but that dynamic service has, for most scales, a set of tiles, only lower than 1:3,000 does it then hit the fine detailed vector maps)

So, my pull down just has a list of common scales the users want, plus allows type in of values

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Occasional Contributor II

I see.  Unfortunately I have to use a few tiled services as basemap options in the app, which limits me to using the scales defined in those basemaps. 

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Occasional Contributor III

mmm - I think the issue will be the fact that the ArcMap side of this may try to get the extent in, rather than prioritize the scale.  beyond me now I'm afraid.

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Occasional Contributor II

No problem!  I appreciate your help!

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