Enhanced Search Widget Version 2.23.1 - 11/22/22

07-14-2014 03:57 PM
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Enhanced Search Widget Version 2.23.1 - 11/22/22

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Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS | Help - Enhanced Search widget


List of the latest enhancements and changes:

  1. Fixed issue with Spatial Relationship settings

Older enhancements or changes

Check the "Older enhancements or changes.txt" in the download for a complete list.


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   Try again to respond to that thread.


Is there a way to visually display a related table search?  My search currently retrieves the number of records returned by the search, but with the eSearch widget used in flex it returned spatial locations of the table.


   No currently this ability has not be brought over to WAB.

HI, Robert,

After I download the eSearch widget, everything works great! I just can not find the HTML instruction.  After unzip the folder, which file is the one that can tell me how to add my own search layer? Your work is the best! Thanks a lot!


     the help is online, like esri's. You will find the link "Learn More About This Widget" at the top of the eSearch settings window in WAB when you go to configure the widget.

Robert Scheitlin, GISP​,

Is there a reason why the background property was commented out in the .search-btn class in /widgets/eSearch/css/style.css (line 427)? I noticed I was missing the search button and just un commented that line and it showed up again just fine.



     That line is not needed normally. Are you working on a custom theme or a custom theme color? All the css lines below that one should define the buttons background color based on your selected theme and that themes color.

Yes I am using a custom theme, but all I did was take the default theme and add in a few more spaces for widgets on the screen. Good to know.


   OK line 436 you will notice that I have the theme name dot theme color .search-btn for the css selector. All you need to do is add a selector for your custom theme name

.mycustomteme.default .search-btn {

    background-color: rgb(89, 102, 121);



Probably the easiest thing to do for me would be to just do a find and replace and change FoldableTheme to MyTheme since MyTheme is just a variation of the FoldableTheme.



Thank you for making this available in JavaScript.

I noticed a possible bug. ESearch fails to configure for my layers if the first layer in my service is an annotation layer. I am using eSearch v1.16 and WAB Developer Edition for my configuration.

To reproduce:

1. Add the eSearch widget to a blank app.

2. Click 'Add a Search Layer'.

3. Enter the Search URL .../MapServer/1 for a Map Service that has multiple layers and an annotation type Feature Class as the first layer.

4. Hit enter and 'Available Fields' does not populate.

I have tested my service without the layer and it all works properly. My workaround is to have the annotation layer in a separate service.


   I am a little confused. The eSearch works off of individual layers in a map service so if the first layer in the map service is an annotation layer then just don't use "http://someserver/arcgis/rest/services/someservice/MapServer/1" as that is the layer id for the annotation layer, instead use /2.

Sorry for the confusion.

The scenario is :

"http://someserver/arcgis/rest/services/someservice/MapServer/0" is the annotation layer.

"http://someserver/arcgis/rest/services/someservice/MapServer/1" is the target layer I am trying to configure.

This case is where I get no 'Available Fields'.

When I remove the annotation layer from the service. Everything configures fine.

I believe an annotation layer looks like a group layer and it uses 2 layer indices.  You may need to point to /2 as /0 and /1 are both being used by the annotation layer.  That is the way it looks when I view a mapservice on my system from the REST endpoint that has the annotation layer as the first layer in the mapservice.


I didn't consider that. That is most likely the problem. Now that I look at it, I see my annotation class has hundreds of indexes because it was compiled from a dozen different annotation feature classes.


   Just visit your url "http://someserver/arcgis/rest/services/someservice/MapServer" in a browser and see if layer 0 is the annotation layer or the group layer.

I spoke with ESRI staff and was told the following...

"web services that do not have a well known ID (WKID) will typically not function properly within Esri applications. This is a known limitation."

Options were

1) Reprojecting the data to another projection containing a WKID.

2) Create a WKID for your custom projection.

Thanks for the help and suggestions,


Hi Robert Scheitlin, GISP,

The search using a buffer does not seem to work when using the enhanced search widget. Everything else does. Can you give me some clues why? Please see attached.


Hi Roy,

You know, I had the exact same problem when I was trying to test the Enhanced Search Widget!

Robert helped me through in setting up the proxy, and after that everything seemed to work flawlessly.

I made a tutorial doc that explains all the steps:


I had to do 3 things.

1. Set up the proxy.

2. Use my own geometry service.

3. Clear the browser cache.

Hope this helps

Hi, Robert,

When I finish a searching action, is that possible we can have the pop-up window when the mouse rolls over the result points on the map? Currently, pop-up window only display when clicking on the "Result" pane inside the widget.  Thanks!


   This is not currently an option. I will add it to the list of requested enhancements to be considered.

Hi Robert is it possible to configure your widget to search multiple layers? Or i guess to have it perform more like a Find across multiple layers? I have tried to find a Find or general Search widget to do this but have had no luck.

Let me know, if you know of anything that could help here.

Thanks in advance!

- Tara


   No the eSearch uses QueryTask (this means one layer at a time). The find task can not use geometry in its searches or searches that contain operators like AND or OR (this is likely why no one including myself has made a widget using the Find task).

Thanks Tapas. I tried the above and per your document (which is great btw!) but still no luck...I'm sure I am missing something.

Hi Roy,

There is one thing you may want to try. Could you run through the steps on your home PC that has Windows 7 Professional or Windows 8?

The reason being, there may be some firewall issues on your office computer. Your office PC may also be using a Proxy on your LAN. This makes it tricky to configure the proxy.

If you run this on your home PC, then all these variables are eliminated.

Just for a test, you may want to use the default search layers that comes with Robert's Enhanced Search Widget. Can you run the Spatial Searches, and can you create the buffers?

Are you sure the Object ID and Shape Fields are turned on in your Map Services?

Hi Roy,

There is one more thing you may want to check.

Make sure you are using the latest version of Firefox (38.0.1). This is your best bet.

If you are using Chrome, make sure you are using version 43.0.2357.

If you are using IE, make sure you are using version 11.

It does not quite work with IE 8, 9, and 10.

Is there a way to configure the esearch widget so there are popup only fields like the identify widget? So there are additional fields in the popup and fewer fields in the panel.

Hi Chad,

Robert already has this on his list of enhancements!

Anonymous User

This shows how important this is, another vote!  ( Thank you in advance Robert! )

For example we have like 30 fields in our Streets layer. We don't want all those in popup and more importantly the Side Panel! Instead of a list of results, it's one street at a time on the side, to scroll through, yikes!  But.... the reason we want to keep the attributes is to keep them for the Results Layer below in the Attribute Table widget, so they can ultimately be exported as CSV.  This feature update would fix this / enable this workflow.


I'm using the eSearch widget to work in one of the feature layers from our ArcGIS services and it appears that this individual layer is not allowing for any results to be displayed.  The other layers found within the same service work properly, but I'm unable to get this individual one to work.  Any ideas on what might be causing this issue?

Here is the code (with URL removed):


"name": "Towers",

      "url": "http://xxxxxxxx",

      "definitionexpression": "",

      "spatialsearchlayer": false,

      "zoomScale": 10000,

      "shareResult": true,

      "addToAttrib": true,

      "expressions": {

        "expression": [


            "alias": "Tower Name Search",

            "textsearchlabel": "Tower Name Search",

            "values": {

              "value": [


                  "fieldObj": {

                    "name": "FEATURE_NA",

                    "label": "FEATURE_NA",

                    "shortType": "string",

                    "type": "esriFieldTypeString"


                  "valueObj": {

                    "value": ""


                  "prompt": "FEATURE_NA contains",

                  "textsearchhint": "(KCEL-FM)",

                  "sqltext": "Upper(FEATURE_NA) LIKE Upper('%[value]%')",

                  "operation": "stringOperatorContains"







      "titlefield": null,

      "fields": {

        "all": false,

        "field": [


            "name": "FEATURE_NA",

            "alias": "FEATURE_NA"



            "name": "FEATURE_CL",

            "alias": "FEATURE_CL"



            "name": "STATE_ALPH",

            "alias": "STATE_ALPH"



            "name": "COUNTY_NAM",

            "alias": "COUNTY_NAM"



            "name": "MAP_NAME\n",

            "alias": "MAP_NAME\n"



            "name": "COUNTY_NUM",

            "alias": "COUNTY_NUM"



            "name": "ELEV",

            "alias": "ELEV",

            "isnumber": true




      "links": {

        "link": []


      "showattachments": true,

      "layersymbolfrom": "server"



  This portion looks suspect (field name: MAP_NAME\n):

"fields": {

        "all": false,

        "field": [


            "name": "FEATURE_NA",

            "alias": "FEATURE_NA"



            "name": "FEATURE_CL",

            "alias": "FEATURE_CL"



            "name": "STATE_ALPH",

            "alias": "STATE_ALPH"



            "name": "COUNTY_NAM",

            "alias": "COUNTY_NAM"



            "name": "MAP_NAME\n",

            "alias": "MAP_NAME\n"



            "name": "COUNTY_NUM",

            "alias": "COUNTY_NUM"



            "name": "ELEV",

            "alias": "ELEV",

            "isnumber": true




That fixed the issue.

It was a bit odd that this was in the interface from web appbuilder to add fields (just to get something running, I added all fields).


   Are you saying that the eSearch UI added the "\n" to your field name?..

Yes, that is correct.


   Strange this is the first I have heard of this behavior.

I am using eSearch and currently have it configured so that results only appear in the attribute table.

Anyone have an issue where the initial search works flawlessly but subsequent searches never populate and eventually crash the app?


   The Attribute Table widget has some issues. What does your browsers web console say?


I uploaded a new version of the Tutorial Doc:

Using the Web AppBuilder

I included the additional steps one must take if there is a proxy already in place for the Local Area Network on the Production Web Server. We encountered this situation in our organization which was preventing us from running the ESRI proxy. We were getting an HTTP 500 error whenever the proxy attempted to redirect to any external website.

The solution was to open the Configuration Editor in IIS Manager, edit defaultProxy under system.net, and enter the settings for proxyaddress.

I also included a tip on adding line breaks to the config.json file by copying the code to http://www.dirtymarkup.com

This makes it a lot easier to edit the file.


   I have looked into adding the visible layers option and have decided to NOT implement this. My reasoning is this: You can currently perform searches on layer that are not even part of the map until after the search is preformed. I do not want to limit the eSearch widget by requiring the layer to already be added to the map.

Hi Robert,

I agree with your reasoning!

Your enhanced search widget has a much wider scope allowing users to find features that are not included in the table of contents (Layer List), and also features that are not within the scale threshold.

Anonymous User


Outstanding.  Ability to hide all but one or two attributes from the list on the right, while still adding the full complement of attribs to Attrib table below, will make this very useful.

However, I don't see where to hide an attribute from the Popup?? The widget looks the exact same to me in fact. I've tried clearing cache, restarting, restarting WAB, building a completely new app etc. What I did was throw out eSearch and then copy in the new one from the link above, then re-add it to an app and add it to a new one. I know that if you aren't careful the 'saving' can play tricks and replace with older widget code and was careful to at least try to avoid that. Also I was happy it read the old json config, although I'd expected that.  Anyone else seeing this?  I was expecting to see a "PopUp Only" column just like Identify. So we could uncheck the fields we didn't want on the right. Since if you have 25 fields, it makes this widget hard to use practically.


   Once the new version is installed you should see a "Popup Only" column right after the title column when configuring a search layers fields.


I have upgraded arcserver and portal to 10.3.1.

I was just attempting to add a new query and it seems the mapservices are not loading properly.

when I add the services the field do not populate in the box where I can select them.

there is also a red ! mark next to the rest url.

I have attached an image for you to see.

any ideas?

I have been having a variety of issue today.

for example I can only open the WAB-developer in IE (11), Chrome and FFox toss errors. maybe it is related.

I have attached that error as well


can you please provide us with some details about how to update existing apps that have been build with the previous version of the e-search.

is it possible for example to go into the app widgets in the server dir. and just replace the code or do we need to build an new app and if it is the later can we copy and paste the configurations for the queries?

and thanks so much for continuing to tune this great widget!



   For the Portal issue I would call tech support as it sounds like you have a bad install.

As far as updating an existing app with a new version of the eSearch. Yes you can just copy the eSearch widget over into the widgets folder of your existing app. Then you will want to open the eSearch widget configuration and make any small change that would cause you to save (this way the json will get updated).

AAlthough this may be a little outdated, I have some generic notes about moving custom widgets to new version ​Tips (LocalLayer widgets) for more customization and Updating (may help with others too)  

i probably need to review and tweaks one, but may help.

Anonymous User

Hi Robert,

I see it. This works perfectly, just as expected. We will be leveraging your widgets extensively!

Anonymous User

Hi Robert,

Thanks for your Widget.  It does exactly what I needed .

I am wondering how can I disable the Alias from the eSearch Widget so it doesn't appear on the Search panel?

Thank you!

Line Champagne

Gaz Metro, Montreal

Line Champagne,

Alias from the eSearch Widget so it doesn't appear on the Search panel

Can you explain more? I am not understanding what you are after.

Anonymous User


Here’s how my panel is looking like below (in French).

I don’t need the “Alias de la recherche”, the second entry. I see where I can empty out the entry but in my case I just don’t want to offer that choice to the user so I want to completely remove it.

Thank you,


[mtlgmpic50 Connexion Bureau à distance]

De : Robert Scheitlin, GISP

Envoyé : 8 juin 2015 13:44

À : Champagne Line

Objet : Re: - Enhanced Search Widget Version 1.1.7 - 6/3/15

GeoNet <http://jiveon.jivesoftware.com/mpss/c/pQA/PDcDAA/t.1np/vLtBtvcaS6ynwplFTpWJ3g/h0/WXYIqorVIGQuIDJ2G2ju5AEeIPykSY57g2VIWA8pAkEHvib5L8Azw9xv8IOBb0OJ0hnZt2OdxK7nqgRiUUF0oA-3D-3D>

Enhanced Search Widget Version 1.1.7 - 6/3/15

new comment by Robert Scheitlin, GISP<http://jiveon.jivesoftware.com/mpss/c/pQA/PDcDAA/t.1np/vLtBtvcaS6ynwplFTpWJ3g/h1/WXYIqorVIGQuIDJ2G2ju5Cq78MLQmxOA6AjDKPN5-2B-2BRQIciPMXu-2FrKTy1khmxHDxLjoIKHfVEBhxFKNOlvAklujPbYTytNwjPgnNVD6Pc6A-3D> View all comments on this document<http://jiveon.jivesoftware.com/mpss/c/pQA/PDcDAA/t.1np/vLtBtvcaS6ynwplFTpWJ3g/h2/WXYIqorVIGQuIDJ2G2ju5AjyCaU6PIZM-2FHnpJJYvNdiqpk-2F185eXJJ9XM9nkZuevZR5wXIiwFCTPBeAjdNReZlXMePo7pmeAj-2B3k0M6XMMfJ2VZFqf73XBuAWEZha68D>

Version history
Last update:
‎11-22-2022 07:31 AM
Updated by: