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Some FAQs I had about the Citizen Problem Reporter Solution

07-26-2017 08:49 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have spent some time this month trying to understand how the Citizen Problem Reporter solution works There are a lot of basic questions I had that I couldn't find answers to on the Get Started page or elsewhere on the world wide web. 

I thought I'd share some of the answers I've figured out with the automated deployment of the Citizen Problem Reporter Solution and see if anyone else has other questions/solutions!



Why do I only see "Configured group is invalid or no items have been shared with this group yet." on my Reporter application?

This has to do with the fact that the configured group does not contain at least one map with at least one editable layer that is accessible to the current user. If the group does contain an editable map with an editable layer, then check the sharing. It may be that you haven't updated the sharing of the group or if you have, perhaps you are not Signing In with the proper account -- Sign in with ArcGIS if it isn't shared publicly. I kept trying to sign-in as Guest longer than I care to admit.

Why can't I see the image tab on a selected report in the Citizen Problem Manager?

This tab is only visible when the selected report contains at least one image attachment, or images and charts defined as part of the popup configuration.‎

Why can't the user attach photos to reports?

Attachments aren't enabled. When you do this process automatically, the layers are automatically uploaded to AGO. The attachment section of the form where photos and other supporting files can be added to the report is only available when attachments are enabled on the layer.‎ This can be easily done by going to the feature layer in AGO and clicking "Enable Attachments".

Enabling attachments on feature layer on AGO

How do I add fields in the form of the Reporter?

  1. Open ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Go to the Share tab and click on the ArcGIS Solutions button.
  3. The Task Pane will open. Click Configure an ArcGIS Solution.
  4. The first step is Adding Fields (note: you can skip this step).
  5. For Input Table, navigate to My Content and click the published feature layer that you want to add the field to. You have the option to select the Report Layer or the Comment Table for the this. Which form are you editing? What the person reporting sees (Report Layer) or what the person commenting on the report sees (Comment Table)?
  6. Give it a Field Name, define the Field Type, and Field Alias.
  7. Check if you want it to be required.
  8. The Field Domains field is for if you already have domains created.
    If you want to create domains, that is in the next step.
  9. Click Run.
  10. Once the Run finishes, you may continue adding fields, or move on to
    Next Step.
  11. Here you can Modify Domains. If you want a field to be a drop down menu, configure some Field Domains! If you don't want it to be drop down (and, instead, just a field) Skip this part.
  12. Now navigate to the map on AGO the feature layer is on (for example the Snow/Ice feature layer will be on the Snow/Ice Problems Web Map)
  13. Click on the three dots next to the layer of the form you want to edit and click on Configure Pop-up (for example, if you  want to edit the form that commenters see, do this for the Snow/Ice Complaint Comments Table
  14. Then ensure that the Display and Edit check boxes are checked for the fields you want to display and edit. Here you can also change its alias, change the order of it, and format it.

    How do I delete fields in the form of the Reporter?

    Open ArcGIS Pro. Add the Report Layer or Comment Table that the field is located in
    to the map and open its attribute table. Right click the field you want
    to remove. Click delete.

    How do I turn off fields in the form of the Reporter?

    If you don't want to display a field, but you aren't ready to delete it, go to the AGO web map that the layer is on. Go to Configure Pop-Up and then click Configure Attributes and just uncheck the Display.

    Why can't the user edit the fields in the form?

    First, when you are creating the field in the Configuration Task via ArcGIS Solutions, it's vital that you give the field a Field Length. The other issue may be that editing isn't enabled on the layer or in the pop-up. When you are in the AGO web map, Configure Pop-Up and then click Configure Attributes  and ensure that the Editing box is checked in addition to the Display check box.

    How can manipulate how every report/comment looks?

    As far as I can't tell, you can't change the look of the form itself. However, once the report/comment is posted, you can change how this looks. This again happens in the AGO Web Map layer pop-up. When you go to Configure Pop-Up you have a few options. Under Pop-up Contents --> Display dropdown, change it to A custom attribute display --> then CONFIGURE. Here, you can add your own text and pull information from the report/comment fields (by clicking the + box; see image below).  Scroll to the bottom where it says Pop-up Media. Here you can add a standard image/chart to all of the posted reports/comments.

    How do I change colors and text in the Reporter?

    IMPORTANT NOTE: it is highly recommended that when these changes are made to Reporter maps/layers/applications, they are also made to the respective maps/layers/applications in the Manager for consistency and clarity purposes.

    Change things on Reporter pages

    # In Pic Above


    Website to go to

    Thing to change


    Application Logo

    Configure the Reporter Web App

    Theme tab --> Application logo --> Paste link here


    Application Title

    Configure the Reporter Web App

    General tab --> Application title
    Theme tab --> Header text color


    Header Color

    Configure the Reporter Web App

    Theme tab --> Header background color



    Configure the specific AGO Web Map for the issue category (in this case you are configuring the Animal Control Problems map; it's the first map that pops on the Reporter).

    You can also add any layers you want and they'll show up.



    Configure the AGO Web Map for the issue category

    --> You can have one symbol for all the reports in the issue category, or have a different one for each type of problem (change this in the Style window Choose an attribute to show; either show location only or choose an attribute such as Type of Problem) --> Click options to define the symbol you want to use.


    Note: it doesn't appear that the heatmap option works.


    Issue Category Image

    Configure the Item Details of the issue category Web Map

    Edit the Thumbnail of the map


    Issue Category Name

    Configure the Item Details of the issue category Web Map

    Edit the title of the map


    Issue Category Description

    Configure the Item Details of the issue category Web Map

    Edit the Summary and Description of the map


    Issue Category Pane Color

    Configure the Reporter Web App

    Theme tab --> Body Background Color


    Change things on Reporter pages

    # In Pic Above


    Website to go to

    Thing to change


    Issue Category title

    Configure the specific AGO Web Map for the issue category

    Rename the feature layer in it


    Report Title

    Configure the specific AGO Web Map for the issue category

    Configure the pop-up title for the layer. You can make the title be based on static text or dynamic text based on the report


    Change things on Reporter pages


    # In Pic Above


    Website to go to

    Thing to change


    Response after a citizen reports a report

    Configure the Reporter Web App

    Form tab --> Submission Message --> write your message in the box


    Form fields

    Configure the specific feature layers & AGO web maps

    See FAQ questions and answers:

    How do I add fields in the form of the Reporter?

    How do I delete fields in the form of the Reporter?

    How do I turn off fields in the form of the Reporter?


    Report It Button

    Configure the Reporter Web App

    Theme tab --> Button text color and button background color

    Do you have other solutions or questions? I'd love to hear them!

    67 Replies
    MVP Regular Contributor

    I thought I had everything set up right, but I continually get this error message when submitting my report. Are there any obvious reasons why this is?

    0 Kudos
    Esri Regular Contributor

    Hi Jared, its tough to tell from the screenshot alone what would cause this issue. Would it be possible to share the app with me? You can contact me directly at if you would prefer to send the link to the app to me directly.

    0 Kudos
    MVP Regular Contributor

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks, I sent you the app.

    0 Kudos
    Esri Regular Contributor

    Wanted to follow-up for the thread. We found that a new field had been added to the source service that did not allow null values. When the problem reporter app was attempting to create a new feature it was not passing an attribute for that field which caused the edit operation to fail.

    0 Kudos
    Frequent Contributor

    Hello team,

    Please see screenshots from A, B and C. In crowdsource reporter, is there any way to skip this (B) part direct to submit a form (A) and (C)? I don't mind customization in code if it is possible. Please advise. Thank you for your assistance.



    crowdsource reporter source‌ crowdsource reporter‌ #citizen problem reporter

    0 Kudos
    MVP Regular Contributor

    When attempting to run the file from an IDE (VS Code) the IDE doesn't know the arcgis.gis module. In the IDE, I'm running the correct Python. It's Python 3 from the arcgispro-py3 location. This arcgis.gis module seems to be used in Jupyter Notebook.

    In the PDF on page 37-8 it mentions running the script using Windows Task Scheduler, but I don't see mentioned what environment to run the script in? So, I'm tying to run it in VS Code and can't. I did complete the preceding step that explains how to set up Send Emails Tool. How can I get the script to run?

    0 Kudos
    Esri Regular Contributor


    Could you try calling it from a command prompt directly using a command like:

    "C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe" "C:\Temp\"

    I like doing it like this because you can be sure you are targeting the correct version of python. If this fails, what version of Pro do you have? The most recent versions should all ship with the arcgis python api.

    0 Kudos
    MVP Regular Contributor


    OK, I ran it from the command prompt. It produced a couple errors, however. I'm not sure what the errors mean.

    C:\Users\jpilbeam>"C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\python.exe" "C:\ServiceSupport\"
    ERROR: Failed to process service
    'FeatureLayer' object has no attribute '_lazy_properties'
    ERROR: Failed to process service
    [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond

    I have the most current version of Pro-- 2.4.1

    ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-1-e5be50c48b0c> in <module>
         19 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ---> 21 from send_email import EmailServer
         22 import re
         23 from datetime import datetime as dt
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'send_email'

    • I've also tried the script in Pro Python console. It doesn't recognize the send_email module either.
    0 Kudos
    Esri Regular Contributor


    The 2 errors from the notebook and pro can be explained because of the way you are calling the code, the send_email module is a python script in the same directory as the and that is how python resolves it, if you pull the code out it won't execute.

    The first error is not clear. It looks like it is failing to connect to your feature layer in your org. Could you try running the following code in the python window in Pro (replace with your org url, user and pw):

    from arcgis.gis import GIS
    from arcgis.features import FeatureLayer
    gis = GIS('org_url', 'user', 'pw')
    lyr = FeatureLayer(' ', gis=gis)


    0 Kudos
    MVP Regular Contributor


    Ok, that makes sense.

    I put the code in Pro. Here's the result:

    <FeatureLayer url:"
    /services/CitizenProblems_landuse/FeatureServer/0 ">
    0 Kudos