R&H usage

06-11-2019 05:59 AM
Occasional Contributor III

I know Nathan has stated the Lrs_Edit_Log is not meant for human consumption and I don’t disagree, but one can still find what I believe is useful information, especially if you compare years. Here is the type/number of edits I calculated for NCDOT for 2018 using 10.5.1:

TransactionDate > '1/1/2018' AND TransactionDate < '1/1/2019' AND ActivityType = X
Edit log Code/R&H Route action name/number of records
1 Create Route 4684
3 Reverse Route 140
4 Retire Route 1260
5 Extend Route 1070
6 Reassign Route 1020
7 Realign Route 349
12 Cartographic Realignment 19139

What are your stats?

35 Replies

Either this table doesnt do what we think it does, or we will be filing a support ticket, because we are pretty sure it is not tracking all the edits we've done.

New Contributor III

Is there any pattern to the edits you believe are missing from the log?

We think there could be a pattern related to undoing the edits though the act of not saving edits in a version and then redoing the edits in that version.  We are going to test this.

Maybe this is known, but my hypotheses is that if there were no events tied to the route, the edit isn't logged.  I created a subordinate concurrent route for the Kansas Turnpike very recently and don't see it logged.  Probably a lot of the ramp route reversals were implemented with data gaps so those weren't logged.  I think that's the common connection.  Is this a known behavior and I didn't know about it?  It makes sense based on Esri's stated purpose for the table.  

Maybe to count edits more thoroughly we should query the editor tracking on routes.


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Occasional Contributor III

This might be a byproduct of the 2 LRMs. WV and you which both have 2 LRMs are both reporting some discrepancies with the log. Hopefully Nathan or Esri can provide some enlightenment on that front. 

What I have seen is that if you have R&H turned on (yes some workflows are instructed to have it turned off) that all route edits using the toolbar and cartographic realignments are captured. A reassign does not capture the route it will be come in the reassign record for the route but there should be a record for a created route with the new route id. A visual or centerline sequence table query can help figure that out.

I would like to see something similar or another method for capturing event changes. I want to break out event behavior changes vs business owner changes. For NC if we have different user names for LRS editors, LRS event editors and other event editors so removing the time filter some counts be derived. 

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New Contributor III

Ryan Koschatzky wrote:

A reassign does not capture the route it will be come in the reassign record for the route but there should be a record for a created route with the new route id.

To add to this a little, the ROUTEID field in the Lrs_Edit_Log will show the original Route ID. To access the NewRouteId, you can right click the text "Blob" in the EDITDATA field and look through the XML.

Kyle, if the missing Route IDs were created using the Create Route tool, that's probably something to be concerned about. Especially if you're using the Relocate Events workflow with external systems. However, if they were loaded in as new routes using the "Load Routes" wizard, it's expected that the Route ID does not show up in the ROUTEID field. You need to query the EDITDATA field for the XML, which will have a list of all of the routes loaded in that run. This one tripped me up while trying to do some trouble shooting on an external system.

Occasional Contributor III

Andrew Vitale wrote:

To add to this a little, the ROUTEID field in the Lrs_Edit_Log will show the original Route ID. To access the NewRouteId, you can right click the text "Blob" in the EDITDATA field and look through the XML.

Great tip. Thanks

0 Kudos

If I query my County LRM base table by for edit dates I get 2864 rows that have been edited in the same time period as my edit log stats.  

SELECT count(*) as EditCount, [LastEditedUser]
where [LastEditedDate] is not null
group by [LastEditedUser]

EditCount LastEditedUser
9 User1
68 User2
640 User3
1967 User4

I also noticed my _evw view is missing edit tracking dates that exist in the base table.  :{

I also can remove end dated features:

SELECT count(*) as EditCount, [LastEditedUser]
where [LastEditedDate] is not null
and [LRSToDate] is null
group by [LastEditedUser]

EditCount LastEditedUser
5 user1
66 user2
464 user3
1940 user4

for more interesting stats I can add SUM((Shape.STLength())/5280) as mileage to the select statement

New Contributor III

Here's our stats by activity and "Roadway Type". We currently have 4 roadway types:

  • Ramp
  • Road (Local roads)
  • Route (Signed Routes)
  • Not in RIS (Dual-carriageway geometries that are waiting on the inventory)
ACTIVITY                   ROADWAYTYPE
01 - Create route          Not in RIS        87
                           Ramp              46
                           Road            1292
02 - Calibrate route       Not in RIS        12
                           Ramp              95
                           Road             816
                           Route             41
03 - Reverse route         Not in RIS         2
                           Road             188
                           Route              3
04 - Retire route          Not in RIS        64
                           Ramp             117
                           Road             622
                           Route             40
05 - Extend route          Not in RIS         7
                           Ramp              10
                           Road             531
                           Route              7
06 - Reassign route        Not in RIS         3
                           Ramp              10
                           Road             175
                           Route              8
07 - Realign route         Not in RIS       111
                           Ramp              39
                           Road             322
                           Route            154
12 - Carto realign/GP Tool Not in RIS         4
                           Ramp             112
                           Road            1386
                           Route             10

# Edit: My original "join" logic was adding rows to the table‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍

I'd say on the whole, the stats kind of match my expectations. The vast majority of our edits are on local roads. This  makes sense given the shear quantity of local roads and our business practices. The most surprising stat to me in the above table is the fact that 3 of our state routes underwent a "Reverse Route" edit. If I had to guess, these were probably short administrative routes that we have in our system.

We've had various "efforts" throughout the years that partially show up in these statistics, but I feel like a lot of the story is missing. For example, as we became comfortable with R&H's concurrency model, we made a concerted effort to remove local roads that were fully overlapped by state routes. Much of this work took place in 2018, hence we see a slightly larger number of retire route activities in 2018 compared to 2019. I'd have expected the difference to be much greater. I think the interesting story for this particular example lies in the magnitude of the edits. We'd probably have to parse the XML from the edit log to test this, but I'd guess that the majority of the 2018 retire route activities were conducted on the entirety of a route, whereas 2019 probably saw more partial route retirements.

We are still working towards managing our inventory as internal events. I'll be curious how the event edit statistics compare to the route geometry statistics once we get there. I'd imagine a lot more transactions take place on the event tables.