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Late introduction

08-18-2022 08:40 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello fellow GIS lovers and professionals.

I'm Luca and I'd like to introduce myself to the community. It's a late introduction as I already posted before.

Hopefully we will be able to support each other!

See you around this space and keep on GISing

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Esri Community Manager

We’re glad to officially welcome you, @LucaTD!

It looks like you’ve been exploring the Esri Community for a little while now (as you mentioned), including getting involved in ArcGIS Survey123 conversations — that’s great. By now, you've likely already gathered that Esri Community is a global community where you can find solutions, share ideas, and collaborate to solve problems with GIS. 

Don't miss these helpful resources:

And always feel encouraged to reach out if you have any questions.

Jesse Cloutier
Community Manager, Engagement & Content