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07-25-2021 10:11 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hi everyone .. I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you that my first story is ready to go. I may have to make a few little corrections in the next week or so but they (hopefully) will be quite small.

I am Dr. Catherine Carter. I have a PhD in Geography from the University of Maryland and I taught there for a number of years (Human Geography and GIS). I now live in Albuquerque, NM and I am a photographer and documentary storyteller. The StoryMap is the ideal platform for presenting my stories so thanks, ESRI!

If you want to take a look, go to

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Welcome, @CatherineCarter1! Thanks for joining us here and introducing yourself.  It looks like you're off to a great start here in Esri Community. Congrats on posting your first ArcGIS Idea! 

If you ever need more assistance with posting here in Esri Community, see our Community Basics board for documents and weekly news. 

Is the StoryMap link you shared here the same as the StoryMap you shared in this post: Solved: New story launch - Esri Community? The link above isn't loading the collection.



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