How to make a mosaic from WW2 aerial survey photographs?

10-12-2014 12:50 AM
New Contributor III

The archives here on Ssipan, CNMI contain  a set of photographs from a 1945 US Navy or Army aerial survey of the entire island of Saipan.


My task is to combine them into a single photographic image file.


The photos are b&w and approximately 10" x 10".


The facility where the photographs are archived has a 600 dpi scanner.


I have access to the photographs only and not the original negatives.


Do you have any suggestions on the best way for me to proceed?





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45 Replies
MVP Emeritus

You have to Georeference them first.  Read the whole help topic.  From there you can proceed to mosaic or mosaic data set

New Contributor III

Thanks. Regarding the coordinates for georeferencing - I could get the coordinates from a recognizable object on Google Earth and/or go to that same object on the ground and take its coordinates with a gps. Is either of those methods preferable?

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MVP Emeritus

Google Earth would probably suffice.  Ensure that you are recording the coordinates in decimal of the options for coordinates

New Contributor III

OK.  Decimal degrees is what I usually use. Thanks again.

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New Contributor III

OK.  Decimal degrees is what I usually use. Thanks again.

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New Contributor III

TIFF/uncompressed seems to be a preferred file type. Should I use TIFF/uncompressed?

I don't find a recommendation for scanning dpi. The scanner that's available is capable of 600 dpi. What do you think?

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MVP Emeritus

More than adequate...You just need to get it into Arcmap...

New Contributor III

I don't want to record and store more data than I have to. Would less than 600 dpi be OK?

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MVP Emeritus

You may have to experiment with the desired resolution...scanning is cheap

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