Spatial Referencing Problems

10-04-2014 05:07 AM
New Contributor



I have some aerial photography data sets as an .ecw file and I want to import them into ArcGIS and then spatially reference them so I can just display them with a coordinate grid. I've imported the data fine, however I can't seem to assign a coordinate system that is recognised for the data. Is there a way I can upload the coordinate system in an accompanying .shp file?


Any help would be greatly appreciated,






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4 Replies
New Contributor III

That is ERDAS ECW Plug-in 2014 for ArcGIS Desktop try it using this link Download ERDAS ECW Plug-in 2014 for ArcGIS Desktop | Intergraph

New Contributor

Thanks, I downloaded the Plug-in. Does it then automatically work in ArcGIS?

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Frequent Contributor

It should be able to display them. If you want to mosaic several of them in ecw, it might take a long I would suggest to use Mosaic Dataset rather than mosaic them .

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Esri Regular Contributor


Sorry I did not see this before.  Do you still need assistance with this?  The ECW files should already be georeferenced - if you drag and drop one into ArcMap, does it not display in the proper location?

Am I correct that  the ECW files are large mosaics, not single images which have never been rectified?

What version of ArcGIS do you have?

If you still need help let us know -

Cody B