Raster to Geodatabase turns Raster into Polygon

08-30-2019 08:30 AM
New Contributor III

I have a raster (.tif) on a hard drive that I have tried to (on multiple computers) import into a File Geodatabase and Personal Geodatabase. The tool will run and has been taking 6-8 hours every time. The tool runs successfully, but when I add the raster into a map document, it is just a polygon not a raster. I'm not sure why this is happening and I have tried many avenues to importing this raster into a GDB (Import from Catalog, Export from Pro and Map, Copy Raster) but nothing seems to produce a result other than this mysterious polygon.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

I would not recommend loading the raster into the geodatabase. I would store the raster on disk and reference it via the Mosaic Dataset; What is a mosaic dataset?—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Here is another good source of information related to Imagery - ArcGIS Imagery Workflows | ArcGIS 

I would also move this to another section like Imagery and Remote Sensing

--- George T.
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Hi Bailey, I've moved this to the Imagery space as George suggested to help ensure it gets further visibility for anyone else interested in or who can contribute to this question. 

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