Add a Imagery Function Template to view Classified LAS as points

07-24-2016 10:41 PM
Status: Open
New Contributor II

I have been working with Mosaics for the management and viewing of large amounts of LIDAR by engineers and other clients for the purpose of a large engineering project. As such they want to "see the LIDAR, they paid for".

Allowing them to visualise in a web browser a raster based off the LIDAR does in many ways answer their requirement, but it is not a point. The clients know that LIDAR is a point even if they are oblivious of why and how the information is captured.

At present this means that to "show them the LIDAR" and keep them within the expectations they have we populate a third party viewer that uses it's own point format and duplicates the LAS information. If there was a simple cell centroid visualisation of non-ground returns as a function of the Mosaic much work and time would not be wasted