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What is the standart for BAG creation?

05-20-2016 12:50 AM
Deactivated User

Hello Dear GIS users.

Could you please advise with  question regarding  BAG file?

  1. We are starting work with BAG format. We have Fledermaus and ArcGIS. Input data is x, y, z gridded file (0.5x0.5 meters). We calculate uncertainty using special order, after that export to BAG. When we compare in ArcGIS GeoTIFF from Fledermaus and BAG from Fledermaus we can see shift between them about 60-65 cm (See attached file).
  2. What is the standart for BAG creation? I checked Fledermaus and CARIS software. And I have 2 different BAG files. Support team from QPS and CARIS tell me that is different method of grid creation. I can't understand why we have this difference and shifts, as I understand BAG file is format to exhange data between software.

Look forward



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11 Replies
Deactivated User

Hello Dan,

I am still don't have answer for main question "What is the standart for BAG format". How we can use it as exchange file if different software create different output file.

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MVP Emeritus

The BAG format is within the bathymetry data description.  A good starting point would be the help files beginning at Essential bathymetric vocabulary—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

within the various links the ISO standard is given amongst other things.

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