How do I use a polygon to clip OUT data?

04-07-2016 01:35 PM
New Contributor

I need to remove area from polygons that fall within a buffer of a stream. How do I clip the polygons using the buffer, saving the area OUTSIDE of the buffer?

clip question.PNG

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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

you can use the erase tool if you have the license Erase—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

or you could union, then manually remove the bits you don't want in an edit session

MVP Alum

As Dan mentioned, the Erase geoprocessing tool is the way to go, assuming you have an advanced license available. 

If you don't, another option is XTools Pro, a third-party add-on to ArcGIS.  They have an Erase function that works with lower license levels.  You can always try the demo version to check it out.

Erase Features | XTools Pro

Chris Donohue, GISP