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How can i give unique auto increment id to a line network based on its connectivity

11-26-2017 09:19 PM
Emerging Contributor

Hi all

How can i give unique auto increment id to a line network based on its connectivity, For example i have to give a unique auto increment id to each feature based on its connectivity which starts from substation. How can i achieve this objective, kindly help


Polygon is a substation whereas LIne layers are different electrical lines

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6 Replies
MVP Emeritus

is this related to your other question?

Do you have the Network Analyst Extension?

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Emerging Contributor

yes sir, it is the same question, and yes i have network Analyst Extension

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Just wondering, why do you need to generate the ID this way? What are you going to do with it?

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Emerging Contributor


   There is a requirement to give a unique ID to each features based on connectivity, and then later also assign a from-id and to-id to that feature, so that each feature could be uniquely identified. its format is- somewhat like this. GISID="towncode"+"assetcode"+"feederid"+"interger(unique autoincrement no.)".

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

I still don't understand why you would like to create an ID based on the connectivity when the connectivity is managed in a geometric network (ArcMap) or in a utility network (ArcGIS Pro and the rest of the platform) of the soon to be released ArcGIS Utility Network Management extension. 

Is this a requirement of an external system? What kind of questions will you resolve based on this ID or what functional workflows do you have that require this ID?

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Frequent Contributor


I assume you have the TOWNCODE, ASSETCODE, FEEDERID available in your database?

If it is the case you can use the OBJECTID as the INTEGER field. OBJECTID field will always have auto increment by default.

So in a nutshell the final query can be GISID= [TOWNCODE] &""& [ASSETCODE] &""& [FEEDERID] &""& [OBJECTID]

I hope this helps!

