How to solve "Field names that match reserved words should not be used in database schema and can cause the join to fail. The following fields match reserved words" problem?

11-15-2018 10:43 AM
New Contributor II

Join data….

Field names that match reserved words should not be used in database schema and can cause the join to fail. The following fields match reserved words; - [Value] from <VAT_Reclass_BTEC2> - [Count] from <VAT_Reclass_BTEC2>  The number of matching records for the join: - 824 of 824 records matched by joining [OBJECTID] from <VAT_Reclass_BTEC2> with [ID] from <Elevation.csv>. Matching records may not appear in table view due to join validation errors.

I created a DEM (from UAS photogrammetry las) and after I reclassified it, and after I calculated "Zonal Statistics as a Table", and after created to the DEM an attribute table with  "Data Management Tool-->Raster-->Raster Properties-->Build Raster Attribute Table". And I would like to use this new attribute table --> "Join..." with the "Zonal Statistics as a Table". I made also a CSV. file but it hasn't helped me yet, but I had fewer vat reserved word problems.

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