This blog is part of a quarterly series that announces new books available as exam and desk copies.
This quarter’s new exam and desk copies include:

Designing Better Maps: A Guide for GIS Users, third edition
Print ISBN: 9781589487826
Print publication date: 10/8/24
Ebook publication date: 10/8/24
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The Power of Where: A Geographic Approach to the World's Greatest Challenges
Print ISBN: 9781589486065
Print publication date: 8/6/24
Ebook publication date: 8/6/24
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Also available:

Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro, third edition
Print ISBN: 9781589488014
Print publication date: 9/3/24
Ebook publication date: 6/4/24
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Advanced Python Scripting for ArcGIS Pro, second edition
Print ISBN: 9781589488038
Print publication date: 9/3/24
Ebook publication date: 6/4/24
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