creating a filter (query?)

09-09-2014 06:32 AM
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New Contributor III

I am using esri's feature service and ersi-leaflet library to display my map.  The following code snippet is used to display

the countries

featureURL = ""

var countries = L.esri.featureLayer(featureURL,


   style: getStyle,

  onEachFeature: onEachFeature



At this time, it is displaying all the countries.


I'd like to display (or highlight) only the countries that satisfies a certain filter or query.

For example, I want to display only the countries that satisfy the filter/query type = SDG.


I reviewed the docs and examples for esri-leaflet library but am totally lost as to how use the query method.


Can someone point me to an example that show how to use the filter/query to do the above




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2 Replies
New Contributor II

The query method has examples on Esri Leaflet.

Example 1:

Example 2:

From Esri Leaflet Issues, I found a problem similar to yours. 

Since you pass a GeoJSON feature you have access to attributes, like the "filter" attribute. 

function filter(feature) {
   return === "SDG";

var countries = L.esri.featureLayer(featureURL,{
  filter: filter,
  style: getStyle,
  onEachFeature: onEachFeature

Issue #214:

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Frequent Contributor

instead of fetching all the features from the service and filtering on the client, it's a better to only ask ArcGIS Online/Server for the features you want (using the where constructor option).

  where: "STATE_NAME = 'Kansas'",


Querying features | Esri Leaflet 

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