Novice Question: Extract topo from a .tff file to export to CAD?

10-09-2013 12:42 PM
New Contributor
Hello Everyone,

I am quite a novice, extreme novice in dealing with the program ArcMap.

I am a architecture student trying to export editable contours from a USGS topography .tiff map to Autocad.

The topography is of Queens, New york, however I am not sure if I need a .shp file or drg or dem map of Queens first to extract
the contours. ( I am going of tutorials). Right now, what I have is the .tiff files of a raster image of topo of Queens however, when

I try to 3D Analyst > Raster Surface > Contour, a window pops up stating I do not have license to the tools. ( I am using the 60
days free trial).

Can anyone explain to me what I am doing wrong ? or what steps to take to find this information?

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3 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor
Go to the menu "Customize>>Extensions" - is 3D Analyst checked to enable it?
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New Contributor
Go to the menu "Customize>>Extensions" - is 3D Analyst checked to enable it?

Hi Jim,

Yes the 3D analyst is checked on. However, when i try the contour option it only traces the street grid on the USGS .tiff map.

Any ideas as of why? Is the contour lines too light?

thank you
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MVP Regular Contributor
Let me back up after reviewing your post. What you have in the screen capture are digital topographic maps. These are pictures of topographic maps, and do not have elevation information embedded in them. In order to create surface elevation contours, you need a DEM. This can be obtained (Usually, but with the Federal Government shutdown, the site is offline) from
With a DEM, you can create contours at the intervals you wish.
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