Geodatabase designer 2 error while exporting to xml

09-22-2011 08:19 AM
New Contributor
I get the error below when attempting to export my personal geodb to an xml file using GDB Designer 2. I have msxml 4.0 installed and running arcgis 9.3.1. I can import an exported workspace xml using direct export from arccatalog, however, the option to export from gdb designer 2 fails.

Please help.


Flavor:      Access
Version:     2.3.0
DATABASE: C:\Test_pgd.mdb

An application error has occurred. The error desciption follows:
DATE:             9/22/2011 11:04:25 AM
DLLVERSION:       2.0.381
DLLDATE:          12/20/2006 5:06:40 PM
PROCEDURE:        ICommand_OnClick ExportGDB.cls (74)
ERRORDESCRIPTION:                     StartGeodatabaseOperation modImportExport.bas (5078)
                    NewXMLDocument modCommon.bas (224)
ERRORNUMBER:      -2147024770
ERRORDESCRIPTION: Automation error
The specified module could not be found.
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