cacluate water beneath surface grid

04-18-2012 09:42 PM
New Contributor
HI all I am  running into little problem with trying calculate something with raster to determine lake depth in raster calculator to derive a new gric containing new cell valye that will represent cell values that represent the depth of water  below surface grid

I missed this lecture in how compute this

i have a surface grid called

lakelittle_surf with rowi  of 0 value 97 and count of 16304

in diagram example said the lake was 80 meters depth below water beneath grid cells is calulated using equation 100-20 to create  smiple algebric expression to calulate below grid cells...

this where i am stuck, I missed the lecture given the sudden depth of grandmother. trying to catch up any help hints or suggestion would be appreciated. reviewd the notes from power point still confused
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