Encouragement for submitting ArcGIS Ideas

05-29-2024 11:21 AM
Esri Community Manager
4 2 516

So, you’ve submitted an idea! That’s great, we truly appreciate that. You are so excited ... until you get a notification that it has been closed.  

“Unfortunately, not all ideas are a good fit. These are not being considered at this time and will not be open to further voting. 

Ideas may be closed for different reasons, and we will do our best to communicate and let the community know why this idea isn’t a good match for our current plans. Thank you for your contribution!” 

Your heart might sink. Feelings of rejection could understandably surface. Please trust that it isn’t personal. You may even go through the five stages of rejection (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance plus a sixth stage of: utter abandonment - I'll never have an idea again!). Don’t get discouraged, treat yourself with compassion and follow the advice of James Clear.  

"Don't wait to start writing until you have something to say. Start writing so you can find out what you have to say.  

Your first idea is rarely your best idea. It can take a lot of reps before you discover something worth keeping." (Clear, J. 2024). 

If you are having trouble submitting ideas review the Submission Guidelines and take a look at Tips for getting your ideas heard. 



Clear, J. (2024, May 9), 3-2-1: On weaknesses, the secret to happiness, and what you want but haven’t said. https://jamesclear.com/3-2-1/may-9-2024  

Occasional Contributor

The reason for rejection could also be that the idea isn't  conveyed in a way it was supposed to be. There could be some lack of information or explanation to support the idea.

Occasional Contributor

Idea should be do able. But we can mold it on our desired situations. So every idea is not a bad idea 🤔