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Changing polygon colors with a start data and an expiration date with time enabled data.

12-21-2017 06:03 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

I have a county of parcel data (polygons) for land leases. I am trying to get specific parcels with different start and expiration dates to change color when the lease starts and ends.

Basically I need the parcel data to all be one color to start, as time moves forward each parcel will change color to indicate it is leased out, and change back to the original color after the expiration date is reached.

I have a work around. I have duplicated the shapefile, and activated the time feature for only one. I then created a long integer for the expiration date and used this in the Graduated colors (one is a null value and the color is 1).

I activate the time feature, and once the start date is reached the parcel appears, and then disappears once the expiration date is reached. The parcels with null values do nothing. By duplicating the layer and keeping it the same color as the null value parcel data, it gives the affect of changing color though time. When really the parcels(time activated with integers of 1) are appearing then disappearing.

Any ideas how to do this correctly rather than this backhanded way?

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