Authentication Service Call

01-19-2012 11:44 AM
New Contributor
I'm getting an error when I try to make service call requests when I get the token using this method.  I store the token in a variable to use for my service calls to return drive time tasks, reports, or any other service call to the BAO API.  Now when I log on to the BAO Online site with the same credentials, I can use fiddler to get the token that is generated and I've hard coded the token into my application and all the service calls work correctly.  What's wrong with this authentication service call?  It's not generating a token that permits me to access reports, drive time tasks or any other calls.  My BAO subscription is premium, but the error message keeps saying that I do not have access to the features in my subscription and I'm not authorized.

//Authenticate the user
    var authenticationTask : AuthenticationTask = new AuthenticationTask("");
    authenticationTask.execute(username, password, new mx.rpc.Responder(
     function (event:BATaskCompletedEvent) : void
      token = event.result;
     function(event:FaultEvent) : void
     {"Unable to validate your BAO API credentials.");

Error Message: 

There was an error executing the Drive Time task: Not authorized. There were no subscriptions found associated with user.
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1 Reply
New Contributor
Hi Seth,
It appears there is a problem with the 30-day trial subscription that was created. I would like to gather a few pieces of information.

Can you send me a contact number at or call me directly?
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