[RESOLVED - 4/15] Classic Esri Story Maps website sign-in issue

04-15-2021 03:51 PM
Esri Regular Contributor

Between the period of 4/13 to 4/15 following ArcGIS Online update, the classic Esri Story Maps website (https://storymaps-classic.arcgis.com) was unable to allow users to login with their ArcGIS credentials. This was reported as an issue here: https://community.esri.com/t5/classic-esri-story-maps/can-t-sign-in-to-classic-story-maps-website/


At 3.30PM PT on 4/15/2021, we were able to make a systems update that restored functionality to the website and the sign-in issue has been resolved. We thank you for your patience during this time.


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New Contributor

today is Tuesday, April 20th, and this issue still doesn't work. Every time I click sign in the page just refreshes.

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