ArcCatalog 10.0 Crash after disconnect OLEDB connection with .accdb file.

06-25-2013 09:07 PM
New Contributor
Dear Team,

In  my ArcCatog 10.0, i have created a OLEDB connection with my local xyz.accdb and explored the data. but getting the ArcCatalog Application has stoped working message (see the attached image).

I gone through the ESRI Knowledge Base - Technical Articles : Connect to Microsoft Access 2007/2010 (ACCDB) files in ArcGIS document., all the setting are correct on my Machine. (Windows 7, VS 2010, office 2007).

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.

Thanks & Regards,
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1 Reply
MVP Notable Contributor
What are you doing with the table? I have found that ArcCatalog bombs out if I try to drag 'n' drop the table into ArcMap. I mention this on that technical KB article and point out that:

The only way to open that table in ArcMap and start using it is to go via the Add data button route
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