Rename Workflow Item to Workflow Instance or Workflow Container

04-12-2022 09:57 AM
Status: Closed
Occasional Contributor

I realize this may come across as pedantry but I think names are important. According to the help, 

"Workflow items are single instances of Workflow Manager that allow groups in your organization to perform different types of work"

Seems like "Workflow items" are actually "Workflow instances" or Workflow containers". When I see "Item" I think of something granular, a small thing.






Hi @philippenn 

Thanks for logging an idea for ArcGIS Workflow Manager! This isn’t pedantic and we appreciate you bringing it up. The word choice of “Item” here actually goes back to something in Esri software, rather than a unit or size. Because Workflow Manager Server is part of the ArcGIS Enterprise ecosystem, we have different things that are deployed in Portal for ArcGIS when a user works with our software. These things, which are deployed on the Portal content page, are all called items. Really, anything that exists in Portal can be thought of as an item, whether related to Workflow Manager Server or not. And so, to stay consistent with the overall platform, we called these Workflow Items.

Hopefully that helps to clear this up. We did spend a good amount of time in determining what to name this as we agree that naming is very important! Please let me know if you have any questions on anything above.



Status changed to: Closed